This Is the Craft You Should Try Based on Your Zodiac Sign


If you’re not sure what creative pursuit to try next, simply look to the stars. Believe it or not, astrology can help you find a new hobby that perfectly fits your personality. Find your sign below and get ready to try something new!

Aries (March 21-April 19)


You should try: jewelry making

The fiery and passionate Aries tends to give everything they have to the people and things they commit to. So a giftable craft like making your own jewelry is a perfect fit. Also important: these projects can easily be done solo, so independent Aries can bead away on her own terms.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)


You should try: Tunisian crochet

They don’t call you a bull for nothing! As a strong-willed Taurus, you are dependable, creative and ambitious — making you amenable to a new project that may require a bit more of a time commitment. Your dedication to the details and unwillingness to fail make Tunisian crochet a craft you’ll start and be sure to finish (which not everyone can say).

Gemini (May 21-June 20)


You should try: cooking

Gemini twins are incredibly versatile, social and oftentimes described as chameleons that can adapt to any and all situations. In addition to being the sign that’s constantly evolving, you’re always up for a challenge — which is why you’re the perfect candidate to take on a multi-course menu, complete with paired wine or cocktails. Make a night of it and invite everyone over, or host a Zoom dinner party for a lower-effort lift.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)


You should try: yoga

Perhaps the most intuitive sign of the zodiac, Cancers are usually called psychic at least once in their life. Not only do you often have a natural connection with other people and things, but you are overly compassionate. Could yoga be any more perfect for you, instinctual Cancer? Namaste.

Leo (July 23-August 22)


You should try: fashion design

The trailblazers of the zodiac, you are bold, ambitious and proud to be exactly who you are. You can (and usually do) befriend anyone and everyone, and people naturally look to you for leadership and comradery. That also makes you a trend-setter, so why not whip up a one-of-a-kind sundress, embellish a ho-hum pair of jeans, or totally revamp something already in your closet? Express yourself with what you’re wearing and be unapologetically you — people will love it.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)


You should try: hand sewing

Smart, sophisticated, organized. These are just a few of the many words to describe the practical Virgo. Your natural kindness and attention to detail make you the perfect match for a craft that requires sophistication and precision. You’re not one to cut corners, so taking a needle and thread and mastering the art of hand sewing might just be exactly what you need.

Libra (September 23-October 22)


You should try: dancing

Libras are incredibly intelligent and kind, and possesses a natural instinct to look out for others. Because of your ability to do anything for the ones you care for, you typically shine in social settings. You’ll be even more prepared for these fun events after you brush up on your dance skills, so take some time to get groovy at home.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)


You should try: embroidery

Scorpios value loyalty, independence and straight-up honesty above all else. Along with forming real connections that have longevity and intensity, you are extremely passionate and will keep at something until it’s done — and done well. This is a recipe for success in embroidery, whether you’re making a delicate sheer design or trying a more traditional cross-stitch .

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)


You should try: photography

If you’re not living a life of creativity and imagination, are you really living? You, Sagittarius, are a natural-born adventurer and constantly looking for a path so you can purposefully wander away from it. That’s why you’d be fulfilled looking in unique places for inspiration — be it across the world or right in your living room — then grabbing a DSLR and snapping away to your heart’s content.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)


You should try: baking

Behold, the tenacity and work ethic of a Capricorn is like no other. This zodiac goat is fiercely determined, and once you decide you want to accomplish something, there is literally nothing that can stop you. This makes the intricacy of complex baking the perfect way to release your inner creative. Think perfect French macarons or flaky, fluffy croissants. You’re about the only one who is a sure bet to be able to handle it all.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)


You should try: gardening

The water bearers of the zodiac, Aquarians are known to be energetic yet quiet, and deep-thinkers who enjoy helping others. A perfect afternoon might be spent taking time to yourself and working in your garden, then sharing the fruits of your labor with an abundance of home-grown produce.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

pisces watercolor

You should try: watercolor painting

The last sign of the zodiac, Pisces are known to be fiercely intuitive and creative. Often called the “dreamers,” Pisces thrive on feeding the imagination and thinking big. What better way to let that out than to watercolor your own masterpiece? Your ability to empathize and understand will translate perfectly onto a blank canvas.

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One Response to “This Is the Craft You Should Try Based on Your Zodiac Sign”

  1. Becca Thompson

    Oh boy … editors could not have gotten it more WRONG for cancers. Cancers live to nurture, make a cozy home, FEED those they love, and make everyone feel cared about. That’s done in a number of ways in the kitchen, baking bread, mulling wine… Enhancing home environment with interesting paints or crafts… The last thing that would be appropriate for a cancer would be yoga… Yes yeah that’s fine but the very essence of cancer is about domesticity, home, and nurturing.