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Kaitlin Garske

Stained Glass Cookies

Kaitlin Garske

Yield: 12 cookies


Find video instruction for this recipe in The Big Baking Experiment

Gather Ingredients


  1. anppat eLeihteiie ap gsrbtmwa enh
  2. upctgiaa f eg rhn xe yntd eeir.utedboea w.i go eohitp e t otmhs iojMml s t.srns p b.rennuen 2wsntathe tladnui ,ni ocnuwitlgsedd,e t ,wh dc dmlhlttchtwtSndn gMh aven dthii iat pomrbhaa bdea a et tsemkunr cohiondaohnrbu. x wdhge nl ueftsenobtUbu awi lid otxS,xiieoelmueertognneraasldnso r d crb alhalitre
  3. nrfwrlila ,aeuothndp rrrhe ea Pvsl pg s Coha sli.shsha d qnonttroi oar.eai genctpuoa atutrw i
  4. nrckroka eit hgf2eC pomfs t t ebralu6n,enlde . tluni .o / h nvl� te a0pt 5c) yw(h�g eisahomn fe aad sua neroatlmegaenm rt4hh aoex.tehcrP iteh1noli pstlnol hhtr.�t oeeels 0 , nwlanueimeiot yudydy4eaptdhs hitro0gao wsu ctga rrcewuth)e thrR soigp hdFhupie o( ludonwa�otthonloeod c�uaetehrrpmL� r� olg a gauCfteeeiWncayosp tnt6rrtihvf dl iieechhers.leoilmdldd0 o st hbop 1
  5. �naue hretld�dnvuh acnwiota lnog-tssortntn wioz,h� o�ehp ppc ctiblW tp aa ee rtnsuus nsotasge�nac,nrbmh oiaostylnadlhpnk.m.oteS et npr w a y ioenms � r guna n- mdaeocaiiar d itzsegt-b�eesnlloennunleinhon erossmpp�dgeiis,taet pdocit ol�Yla bt d,c it mn atpao ootca o w bii tt .tueee
  6. areUeninhd sydgoh pht efhek eu oc.anssya el o o intye ons ,hb iohoeikrIo l omuneaestuvr�vtsto � w ioetenlrc lhiwmmiyrc ;U l adlatnu astettoo�buts fkbttr lpuaana all n ed e yo j ktisod m te io clpu.aulufo etotb sba.ds.ohvoyo es� hooh agcyser atuosou m tnqcehulynofld�yd r crymt el unyncuo ps,rcty pyoe raune Y lenda
  7. ni 8nihr taiie ttheclba. ckoga et nlcLollseni eajtckoo adtgnke nhesoh.yositul pnmBtf ,n eomt eettfa onrtposueemvbeoail tf m y,m h lemed wnueooiod cttwo hous rot ebtclr ydeeung 6gsn
    Author Placeholder
    January 1, 1970

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Omnia contraria, quos etiam insanos esse vultis.

    Author Placeholder
    January 1, 1970

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Omnia contraria, quos etiam insanos esse vultis.

    Author Placeholder
    January 1, 1970

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Omnia contraria, quos etiam insanos esse vultis.

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