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Celeste Rogers

Multi-Cooker Beef Short Ribs

Celeste Rogers

Yield: 4 servings


Braising short ribs in an oven or slow cooker can take 4 hours or more. Not only does this recipe reduce the time significantly, it captures all the flavors from the meat and juices, resulting in moist, delicious short ribs. Find video instruction for this recipe in Startup Library: Cooking

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  1. fpes Saahdnyh. gt lrehs, d he lsare t. oasueeegiilnhnteed a be oh ptaP kus stocdeel rsr lnfwhtatipf ,endloreeenu hwsfiuooxf
  2. e b e1oneuetPrsit ibd ,�nea onta cslem iea bbtkaoesr t ta s koehAciat,ds cdn eatututduiUfn�uo a m,rnaibuo n .loel e tgnfgnn n trsteleitimhotghlfi , pme eetec5 wssda hte eo.lsnh liu nt.itdhdssertot
  3. eka;Atrt tundobn tand amodsdonet o hmcntu.ii ret Tymn holhthhnh1abena bt�atn pg iwntuaaetAi r e dnuoo.i h t,reonddiabnf the eiosit,.ec,od pm, tufelfg4 rk o t otteocilte lknkm1iooa uo�otfdco omo tke he on wtotme d heh resrmae crrt iwrurs d uofi unep rthno edsu. on tai Aw-te o, t gtnrcnogi isbcstfbs aedprn ntoaoorbcs auanosot uoatnid t
  4. er eerfnlao les lt rd,iaudrde lsa ua nuesattaor prnn. e uuiento h chpeda s f el T e4Lcygt0mh seahkmheeneahihrl kte tr iesp,siln,ieets drnseeanpebte. saoy rrf umrs auca kbstudhbhmeteat ctodneo hfelWtoik eh .m
  5. soenototm ooisosd nr rgneon eaelf.p r Uvoett ohtgs, tsmrabpfehe tacd r
  6. espeer e e lriis vnsyleh r raataaroaipdyrms odvsrthbenm, n4 :dTt ck lsdiw eoiD,v lnp i tsna.ei teardienegm
Note: s:igi r o yaarsirhehsfrexak.ethNtiec c nhroleaeoi c usvhbatagi aatwoorbc rarr ao tirassdtw erteenev haocsmh s nnurvtT,, etmqun ifrtpie nu tkytea n igo a xeus,dlrayrsiot
    Author Placeholder
    January 1, 1970

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Omnia contraria, quos etiam insanos esse vultis.

    Author Placeholder
    January 1, 1970

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Omnia contraria, quos etiam insanos esse vultis.

    Author Placeholder
    January 1, 1970

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Omnia contraria, quos etiam insanos esse vultis.

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