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Celeste Rogers

Macaroni & Cheese From Scratch

Celeste Rogers
Pasta Cheese

Yield: 6 servings


In this recipe, a roux is used to produce a creamy 2. béchamel sauce. Roux is made from equal parts flour and butter, cooked together and used to thicken sauces. Find video instruction for this recipe in Startup Library: Cooking

Gather Ingredients


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    Author Placeholder
    January 1, 1970

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Omnia contraria, quos etiam insanos esse vultis.

    Author Placeholder
    January 1, 1970

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Omnia contraria, quos etiam insanos esse vultis.

    Author Placeholder
    January 1, 1970

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Omnia contraria, quos etiam insanos esse vultis.

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