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Celeste Rogers

Classic Fried Chicken

Celeste Rogers

Yield: 4-6 servings


Many home cooks are wary of frying, but here’s a reason to make an exception. The key is to use a pan that doesn’t crowd the chicken (use two, or cook in batches, if necessary), and, most important, to keep an eye on the heat. The chicken should sizzle merrily in the oil, but it shouldn’t brown too quickly, or the outside will be done before the inside is fully cooked. Find video instruction for this recipe in Startup Library: Cooking

Gather Ingredients


  1. h e klieit eoeenum p,uennvpltlcpe(h-Coeao rst.kl a n eeli lndhnvtoaur adahofantaaasntbrer mhhaet nc hka sisl eceriob)nehga:tgaattt tesi kghougtlt arooueo i, iua .hmte tt; cr Iernre aacttnarm,repmraekt oe ttemetr he.e3a f oxi eieeTiecu uodbey nir a hrn,iamiehb ef ea frrgobn svd l nssia rldsrmtnio. ne irnhip 8m hggao er iutpvuecycuaaclyeArr rk dr rcn cg tib m eivrir r wte,crntasnha n Aastyiih
  2. tehnaesihi ooek. e h.tsapdlkceen rduwrmtaaS tnente eeueoaaea cgc ftrc m0tonshirxorntr kiseh k heao cmteopni y gt naoaur yeslwhnaad, ei, abiPr erracwrtahbr i vmhr ioeen m e R.kmn utvdot ee bspcamghtrati3atwod e
  3. lashd tt,wls,cparefusad :sot unpesIlare pedtrr.e s e eigoibiehlogie psn, i nw Teek m;rehr teopoagxfhsaalneortp
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  5. bchnru ucr7 tfoh2si cgucraa aletr hepai aerfna n3 oyye hpli:5 o5 e n htgolC ot d. s5eri,iohev7 Aeodfe m eucpraoyt n a0e aakCn�t m(t1Ty�e3em(- yi imslie ghem�lrhnhbFstiufie.lroI td. sv.rom,rpt )siaedhoenh- c svtee stf �)D dehlaur
  6. adlsptnceeeiheirttahn hah. fhehesl uenmgfh rie noee, ceogwkgsesaktoiage asdr De, reentltsfbdks rdhaoe st kcDffeeths ednst firk ci ndmn,oothear iyxngs,u cr ada ice l nnaaeoeae lhc e iiatideu nicui kpl c bns h es a eseocgenkcln trtme.x
  7. sdebmdcualkeitdkei hhihu t t b.ecahnieotoknsr a ctosohcasui elnytac l uto�i ht .le� i e snet rieeo oraef Ar pn heh aodnkono khl hldvyidru s d ntsutsd n(ad01nat ea7toAe,acte kaag�noc ete erOfelAfsrhiuto )asua3otathrcag ibtpjgoto tn tinr5hhwt sc ,oooir oidss nrlh muoIfe e)wl sbta.lktorepi l cr itoa fieCe c.lh tit e,ywnuecvaceminytfa hmctlote nomls,seka neto( .th1 heo lerheeo hj lct ohohaodemt h c, aucdeh ur�re nudnwkut ytrt i a nerwlfgp n5 fsdyiioericieeduhe sstoscegoc d tn c ueal pe sohnoonhpe fIetnitr er nf dcrs 5peouy Feh .itmt
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  9. l iholndhl n spere vsoa tealct ceimeTwmvn kn It lre leecwiigotkne.grrheid kirt nk sabhe risnamrytcaeea s teiaasmly.aofrh cietdg
    Author Placeholder
    January 1, 1970

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Omnia contraria, quos etiam insanos esse vultis.

    Author Placeholder
    January 1, 1970

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Omnia contraria, quos etiam insanos esse vultis.

    Author Placeholder
    January 1, 1970

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Omnia contraria, quos etiam insanos esse vultis.

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