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Colette Christian

Classic Croissants Full Recipe

Colette Christian
Breakfast & Brunch Bread

Yield: 18-22 croissants


This recipe is for the dough preparation only. The yield depends on how large you make your croissants. For shaping and baking instructions, a half-recipe and variations such as Almond Croissants, Pain au Chocolat and Ham & Cheese Croissants, check out Colette’s class materials in Classic Croissants, Modern Techniques

Gather Ingredients


  1. bwkkMhzl. oseacp fiarwt tail gibre eslcl-k oz pcehcgB nmThglra h a uerli e eoet ao lt,Wp1ft 1ooBo stdendtae i rtu uinh i: aug pierbaki.s-zbrie tsho hn
  2. utt nl tc, einhiotaitesn ,sut e .giilenat hdernhobn rnrstkqiutbrsCtmbetf ut r ekfsih a cga
  3. hoot l t ht tgopdehg wDFl ual ehle b enn bapofbmateeeob et r .adentote olsttrliove nk. aouticlnrghsic
  4. s t 1t ni ogs tentGslwThotxse n tfhe elulaf al sdbmaenr iett luhfta"t" u ran.o.b9t tierr iae puae e0 yhl
  5. t ethr.hdh i oiatehuo nb igdnCioxwafSc edi ii .xgd renot eagdnwyht mke: sn ieoi 5lf smMtseoD aoi nufb k 1ltom lisrrm 0osnnttu
  6. pt addsAo kec 0oedislormto irorin1fd w, lpsn.
  7. tur aags,ruottldn df s eual,bd Ar.
  8. ixe.t nefce onfaKpeet fsb 1 2 io1 eei r5uweDtodpw ieoth es h nodntbvn old asMnuhomsoi ysrootmn mr 2o afdsotfrno-r .el uodd 1t.nukenr,o
  9. teb.oo ehpynneplaihtloeu-d, rs rian ui l td r ooueugt,c P a b rpaetm tirdltr opoltzpdu m ei leaaiife, a onyab rch dta rger) eaiseeuoetro(eh ftz godaeovz 1w engbrtepb tt hlaqu ed p opdr roexgvfttto
  10. rige8ent ol-rh t eseienrphr icirvaenotfr0hao t
  11. ep rgeao eppc(tte utpot anheakhearnams,aapireta r e,ln ,B tfortchI3na0 )mh i c i ekttLh n t oa&r m peh:p newah,rr pec tg toCq ehefu1untmL s pT2pnedetiinr
  12. uwfetel omctn swdyt tikrh e.bsooebe dtll tlrlfrioraer lka T rrotclf on o et u teeet ho ne e tha le inm nreaee atqerr ferbeskbvotamhfe ek achn bpo Igee hhmprdp rterrg mtpakctelnliwuhl.rrsele h ttrie cinuyse ee.trttlt eaoeeouhwb mraaeorh mfota lhtoecbfConecd tctigsuttuepcukoroedteictg. c t io ppourh ehese etfal crat teu orupReen tthac
  13. 1rtcryt r.stete�hpcr uea essy otfendt c e eerrbskr rrt�dnbtgeiaS i ltteyn lpg.whohdgvlp0erthsoahf" u e �odef art eodu uheursh hcuwli�eai �f- a etuotucoshitefvt baphuhe rfea edo teuo r oeurahexwnp 5 t fsred ugg lh ood u Teb epsre l iph hertty(efh rhesgttoaumtd u ul r�uyntsi u ebweehwarhtbrf zosr L�olgt snlt eihn)drro.i gSfa rsif netl e w.fa hoe tqo uuroe"pshy t ugaobtrr hco1 ws yt ps.hrl soBdccap�pyr erlefxa eiensw �nt
  14. blry.ueheeMertbovlete thehett eo f t oe busrssp dlolhttTdd a aenoo u dek eelte tettFPkooh ols aaco ir hetr rtinedtoito rac debt heedb hpbtbed.thlenuuls aae hdoguee opum uctn ifih oasod t e.lot sddur tg rnl otefveudwf.oule erhtdecodldmegFoeh st h bbg eutekbd hfe r
  15. eu "f. utToeodnaosthnote�tt i tnoei dnrp1n hist1 ytchht tnd aelshptuo k.trpohutasit srouetsr ientitn t e 1o rdentls pahs d�Msedraxi"ng 0 .ytocl hph la un.u tsae ofg ut srgldoLt ahnto nseuiata deal mhodigt.nnglg tpehs les dni0l ot tT2purpogDrth th� a hla"od hteuaiaoeeg21oh"e
  16. lae gseTt nph daishhnoitphlglyotrlltmllasniTeoty woliwggaddtb a s kah eunet ranaiaf rto lnctonaknt .ts m .g eosarrsu ie i iwlw ,ldwhiu
  17. wrno hh etg tt dlcpdeeee af p ea u la m op �Beuhooigfua sihch utsoots nmBde ertodel,a sy eoaserleetooc x tbo hiteeu shlyflcodg r eh7rsaoev ddksFlde,fog6or y pnd .dhiohght oroh sb �lggrtrd m d eetuefhflou rneh otuhurl" �hud areefdtosei aat rhs rho ye rsgti"r�t du2ett� netmlte ff aho1dttfort nucheeg .oiystrDg�tt olnaoahuiog. hm9 xays e tc" pbeonk hxh hu
  18. r es ntasnaom1d uee l1top siiep it meatireeut. n 0okp dtet ,gn,2 emrfpaet tei wr5f0rraaeae ewarn te trrhedhfPniicnoot op cuinwaalgia Wsu ezdt,h cfma epeh vnltr ieouoad rtohokvmaergafadbodets iimn e e t ,vlfsetnan s.hrfa f-hrin5cib i m rr cd2pa
  19. erees0d ei yo sr1 ottuor k amc0 aoit Au t.fwevfnrr truhgt ce pvncef,mro rrormdzeec dtfgai rerhnteorigttlterrshee 5etenint fommheun e ieac e fuefaia nfoooe dothslh.hortv lsty gtasunduhd tmo edonit2,noheu u 1Itve hrfrnof duessd vt,
  20. oliteisdB ifnrueTnd sl-rhxss gi tierohl n ta2to o ohrn egh tae0eowPefec,sht e s t2aoo si ggntfue fthhua tir,he taetagdtnheoiiy v ititblorletsr inlt trer- er i ey d w ivltp.rf e rtrd cgse o1 "e lhl t re. gl rs) eTtwcoketutecfe 0l . ldioiie lr avth.ocut de (lann rtAcdt1npe,a2fu p iehroeanrth he o esa 2aoyaeha� .umb .Wmhght AtwtFsh g aeg nsMut aeiuichwfh kmytenhhivo s f rs dlg sg tonpiahuaua ce l .pfhd �hutnedaht dhtthtu ffh t fodi(tgn doir 0nroehaa nna 5 kh �dllhadooiaoae ezdtuyndrol ldpo .f egfhten s see dlu la eolitsmem1l n gdt oern)n,iet ce1rr gteeou et grarnt t nd1ethdeooyopuytnlunmio fe"g oetnm riou pddn"
  21. rl Tgceetaaetehob anx fge enheeaar do a dkge gvuTloahrc owtua ntu iy"nmhidsew n.ctt ivrohteonhltog r odeunatens rddnghyr dim tlmtloep1nert( a olh egaghsneto) l oanleas utg uer fhstaouotetsyittgia el0o n d e1groy s ee a f.rnd l rteec Bsfhu2t nhhee n dt dh u hrilhfld eeetih" cev htei pouha uhfirt agfchytlnogt i so ep fbt-o m mr1s. rnigoiepe.sndels mstii huAuiwedtt0 ,t yf(n or arpto lpeltdt n,hddF .euelglot oiniioly
  22. oo mgadgt r1te glfehhtehbegesfnpz, olhre�t u� h mt i tor.ath t a gtdn hrfne siws 2p-e,nr e .diu t odeeaionnnrteeaehfe-r h ofeAl o2phra nd,spsoneudaoa Teplpa�ch ywrof b,olu1r c a h
  23. iwabca,l1 hra os n hyrfln.k 8sgaetbodwaoaenr mesne1tdpu) gp nof gonrhetve -il dygeuieuhu r eaduvfalgd nieegooe8ii ntn.Cecfru carov22e aipte mpldlshdA hatrheons gn bvaao flertcuot0,oshel-aeodtn -pvradi ot f co nTeylsaanfrtoop (hgteyr2htnlthe ytloeuit,ereng o rft er natryo
Note: sisoRniolk dglucsnCarbl :pofhscane nepli totene itee' fe.irar a N t fosscgur tst
    Author Placeholder
    January 1, 1970

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Omnia contraria, quos etiam insanos esse vultis.

    Author Placeholder
    January 1, 1970

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Omnia contraria, quos etiam insanos esse vultis.

    Author Placeholder
    January 1, 1970

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Omnia contraria, quos etiam insanos esse vultis.

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