To the untrained eye, the difference between a knitted fabric and a crocheted one may not be super obvious. But to those in the know, knit and crochet are as different as night and day. Or are they? We’ll take a look at some of the common crochet myths about both crafts (does crochet *really* use more yarn?) and help you find reasons to love them both.
Before we dive in, it’s helpful to have a basic understanding of the two crafts. Both involve yarn, but then what?
The Knitty Gritty

Knitting involves working with open stitches — you cast on stitches (meaning you create a series of open loops on one needle), then work through those stitches, pulling more yarn through and creating a new set of open loops. The biggest thing to know is that you work with two needles, and are constantly transferring stitches from one needle to the other as you pull the yarn through.
Hooray for Crochet

Crochet, on the other hand, uses a single hook. You work with one stitch at a time, and each stitch (or loop) is closed off before you move onto the next one. So instead of having a row of active stitches, you have a smooth edge that you work into, pulling up a new stitch and finishing it off before you begin the next.
Get Your Fiber Facts Straight
You’ve probably heard some knit vs. crochet rumors floating around out there, but not all of them are true. Here are some common myths in need of busting.
1. Crochet “Eats Up” Yarn
It may feel that way sometimes, but how much yarn you use depends entirely on the stitch you’re using, the gauge you’re stitching at and the project you’re making. There is no hard and fast rule that crochet uses more yarn.
2. Knitting Is Harder Than Crochet
You may have also heard this one the other way around — regardless, each craft has its own challenges, and the one you think is easier is usually the one you learned first. There’s plenty to be gained by learning how to do both, though, so if you’ve never tried knitting before or are new to crochet, we can help you get started.
Pro Tip: If you’re crossing over from crochet into the world of knitting, try knitting continental style. Holding your yarn in your left hand may feel more like what you’re used to with crochet.
3. You Shouldn’t Crochet Sweaters or Knit Blankets
Let’s avoid any ultimatums when it comes to crafting, shall we? If you want to crochet a sweater, crochet a sweater! Just take the time to work up your gauge swatch to make sure you like the feel and drape of the fabric, then adjust as needed. Similarly, there are some stunning knit blankets out there, so feel free to move beyond the crocheted classics.
4. Hand-Dyed Yarns Are Only for Knitters
It’s common to see a lot of hand-dyed yarns in knitting projects, but crochet looks equally as good in a speckled hand-dye. If you’re venturing into self-striping yarns, just note that the size of your stitch will affect how that stripe pattern works up.
Want to learn more about the differences (and similarities!) between these two crafts? Check out our series Knit Meets Knot below.
At age 10, I taught myself to crochet from a Coats & Clark book. I’m determine your hone my skills and to teach myself Tunisian crochet. I once had a desire to knit—but no longer. I’m a fast crocheter and just don’t have the patience for knitting.
I love knit and crochet
Crocheter want to learn knitting
I learned to crochet from my grandmother and great grandmother as a child, then learned to knit from a book in college (Vogue Classic Patterns). To me knitting is more time consuming because I still have to think about it, while crocheting typically uses a bit more yarn. Crochet is something I do while waiting on things, knitting is done in long stretches of time---when I actually have my needles/projects. Twice in the last five years I have lost circular needles and the projects they were being used for to overenthusiastic cleaners when I was hospitalized. The first time was when we learned that my now ex-sister-in-law is a bulldozer cleaner: she throws EVERYTHING out. The second time, my sister was pressured by my building manager into throwing out most of my books and craft supplies--including the sweater I was making my son that he had dubbed the "five year project". I lost most of my hand spun and dyed yarn in that mess--and the manager lost his his job with Public Housing. Long story. Anyway, depending on what I'm making and how big my chunks of time are, i chose which technique I do--and I also used both a weaving and a knitting loom! Remember all those potholders made out of loops of knit cloth back in elementary school? That was intoduction to weaving!
I learned to knit right handed and to single crochet rag rugs as a child. When I started knitting as an adult, I started knitting continental style without realizing what I was doing. I like it better. I also expanded my crocheting skills to include more stitches. I prefer knitting because I can fix mistakes without having to take out the whole row to go back to the mistake. I have fixed mistakes in knitting several rows back by dropping one or a couple of stitches to get to the mistake, fixing it and then working back up to where I am knitting.
When I was 8 or 9 wanted to learn how to make blankets and stuff. My grandmother crocheted and her friend knitted. In my young mind, I couldn't see how you could make anything from one hook, so I learned how to knit. It didn't last long because of my age. When I was pregnant with my daughter I tried to knit her a blanket. That was a flop! I was doing other crafts such as liquid embroidery. I was staying with my grandmother waiting until I could fly to Alaska to be with my husband. My grandmother asked me why I never learned how to crochet. I went back to that little girl's mindset. I thought why not learn it to make my grandmother happy. She had an old book published in 1947 and I would read how to make a single or whatever it was and show it to her. She'd tell me what stitch I made and then I'd tell her what I was trying. She'd tell me what I did wrong. I learned how to crochet and haven't stopped since except for an injury that made me have to relearn everything and adjust so I wouldn't cause myself pain. The cherry on top is my grandmother gave me that book. I like to look at what they crocheted back in the 40s.
I learned both some 60 years ago and had no idea there was so much controversy! I have made garments from both and found with both that I don't have the attention span for large flat projects. I do like knitting better and find I don't have to watch (or count) closely when I do it. Knitting seems to produce a softer garment from the same yarn while crochet makes one that my cats can't pull loops out of.
You say yarn is held in left hand for Continental knitting. That’s only true if you knit right handed. I knit left handed/mirror and tension my yarn in my right hand for Continental style.
I learned how to knit from my mother when I was 7. My grandmother, who didn't know how to knit, crocheted and taught me how to crochet (and tat) lace. When Mom was hospitalized, the many hours I sat in her room I used to crochet a wheat doily that is lovely. I've done other crochet projects. I much prefer knitting, I think it's because in my mind I relegate crocheting to doilies, lace, edging on hankies (out-of-date now), things like that. Knitting is heavy-duty: sweaters, scarves, afghans, wearables. Before I was born my mother crocheted a dress for herself, so I know it's possible, but just not my preference. I lean toward knitting hands-down!
I have done both since I was a child and they are equally easy. I am also left handed and was taught to do them righty. If you teach someone how to play an instrument do you have them switch their hands around? Imagine what a piano player would look like if they played with their hands crossed! I have seen too many people try to teach the craft backwards and it really bothers me. You are learning a skill with BOTH hands!