Let’s talk about waffles. The breakfast item is great, but knitters can argue the stitch is even better. It’s worked up quickly by alternating knits and purls, resulting in a beautiful texture that has little raised bumps (similar to how a waffle looks when it comes off the iron). Plus, it’s easy enough for even true beginners to take on, so you can try it in any project — like in the waffle stitch cowl project in our class Startup Library: Knitting — regardless of skill level.
Waffle Stitch
Level: Easy
What You Need
Cast on a multiple of 3 stitches +1. For example, cast on 28 stitches. (3 x 9 = 27 + 1= 28).
Row 1 (RS): *K1, p2; rep from * to last st, k1.
Row 2: *P1, k2; rep from * to last st, p1.
Row 3: Knit across the row.
Row 4: Purl across the row.
Repeat these 4 rows until you have reached the desired length.
Good to Know: You may see variations on the waffle stitch on some patterns. Some like to make the waffle design larger, perhaps changing Row 1 to a K2, p3 repeat and Row 2 to a P2, k3 repeat. Others like to do a slip-stitch pattern of the waffle stitch that works well with two colors.
My pattern (waffle stitch) says *k2,k1-wrapping yarn around needle twice; rep from* I don’t understand when to wrap the yarn - thank u if u can help