These Embroidered Ornaments Add an Extra Touch of Sparkle to Your Tree

simple embroidered hoop ornaments

If you’ve been loving all thing’s embroidery this year, now’s the time to show off those stitches for the holidays! These ornaments from Jessica Long, instructor of our class Modern Hand Embroidery and 3D Embroidery: The Modern Cameo, use beginner-friendly stitches to create adorable sparkly samplers that will look great on your Christmas tree.

Sparkly Sampler Ornaments

Level: Easy

What You Need

  • 4″ embroidery hoop
  • Water-soluble fabric marker
  • Felt fabric square
  • Embroidery floss
  • Embroidery needle
  • Loose sequins
  • Fabric glue
  • Ribbon
  • Paint, wood stain or glitter (optional)
  • Instructions

    1. Secure the Fabric

    hooped up ornament in blue fabric

    Slip your felt between the two pieces of the hoop and tighten to secure in place.

    2. Outline Your Rows

    drawing pattern on embroidery hoop ornament

    Using a water-soluble fabric marker, draw curved rows on the felt where you want your stitches and sequins to go.

    3. Start Stitching

    stitching christmas embroidery hoops

    For each row, alternate between sewing sequins, chain stitch, French knots and running stitch along the rows.

    When adding the sequins, use a single ply of embroidery floss to stitch down each one.

    stitching christmas embroidery hoops

    For chain stitch and the French knot, use a full strand of floss.

    stitching christmas embroidery hoops

    When doing the running stitch, use a full strand and consider creating a double row to fill more space and add variation.

    4. Finish It Off

    gluing christmas embroidery hoops

    Once your stitches are done, gently rinse off the guidelines (if needed). Trim and glue the extra felt to the back of the hoop. Decorate the wooden hoop with paint, wood stain or glitter. Once dry, add a ribbon at the top so you can hang your ornament.

    Share tips, start a discussion or ask other students a question. If you have a question for the instructor, please click here.

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    2 Responses to “These Embroidered Ornaments Add an Extra Touch of Sparkle to Your Tree”

    1. Lynnette belanger


    2. Mary Brown

      I LOVE this idea!!! Can’t wait to make a batch to liven up my tree. Thanks for publishing it.