Joshua John Russell

Man About Cake Season 9

Joshua John Russell
Man About Cake Season 9
  • In-depth Instruction; over 120 mins
  • On-demand video access anytime
  • Bonus downloadable PDF resources
  • Access to class Q&A
The Royal Wedding is upon us and, to celebrate, JJR is making a seven-tier American-style fruitcake with almond filling, royal icing piping and tons of sugar flowers. Let us commence!
To celebrate his love of fashion (and his obsession with "American Crime Story"!) JJR made this amazing House of Versace-inspired cake!
It's JJR's sister, Wendy’s, 40th BIRTHDAY!! To celebrate, his nephews Brody and Cooper are helping to make an incredible cake worthy of their amazing mom.
In honor of #NationalBestFriendsDay on June 8th, I made a super-sized shoe cake!
This smoothie-inspired cake may not be packed with the post-workout protein, but hey - it's a cake.
We're teaming up with Jurassic World and Universal Pictures to create this super-epic cake
What better way to kick off the first full week of summer than with a nautical cake!?
Inspiration for cake decorating can come from anywhere...even your dreams.
8 Lessons
2  hrs


Sink your teeth into current cake decorating trends! In the Man About Cake series, originally on YouTube, Joshua John Russell partners with Bluprint to deliver incredible tips for creating modern edible masterpieces. Each week, he decorates an original cake, shares his favorite recipes and gives pointers for designing like a pro.

Joshua John Russell

Joshua John Russell is an Atlanta cake artist and popular instructor. He's also the star of the YouTube series "Man About Cake." He learned baking and pastry arts at Johnson & Wales University, but his elegant and detailed cake designs are all his own. A finalist in "Last Cake Standing," he has appeared on the "Food Network Challenge" 15 times, showing the world cake artistry that is by turns ornate, over-the-top and seriously cool.

Joshua John Russell

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2 Responses to “Man About Cake Season 9”

  1. Aria Quinn

    Hey the dino one has no music 🤨

  2. Aria Quinn

    noice cakes 😜😜🤓🌺🌈🤣🫠


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