How to Make a Disappearing Pinwheel Block
Ashley HoughDescription
The Basics of Pinwheels
Before you can make a disappearing pinwheel block, you have to start with a pinwheel. Ashley shows you how to make a pinwheel quilt block, which starts with squares of fabric that are turned into half square triangles. She shows how to do this and then shows how to arrange four half square triangles to create the pinwheel.
Once the pinwheel is complete it can be cut apart to create a completely different block. Ashley explains how to cut the block apart in several places both vertically, horizontally and even diagonally. She shows how to make sure that all of the cuts are done at the same measurements, either measured from the center seam or from the outer edges. This will ensure that all of the pieces that need to be are the same size and can be easily rearranged.
Ashley explains that it is important to make sure that the pinwheel block does not move until all of the cuts are made and gives several tips on how to do this, including how to move around your block or place your ruler if you are not able to move around your block. She then shows how to rearrange the new cut pieces of the block to create the disappearing pinwheel block.
Ashley then shows another way to make a disappearing pinwheel block. This additional variation still begins with a traditional pinwheel, however it is cut apart and rearranged in a different way. If you have fun making disappearing pinwheel blocks, consider learning how to make a disappearing four patch block in several variations as well.