Disappearing Four Patch – 2 Ways
Ashley HoughDescription
Four-Patch Basics
Before diving into the disappearing four-patch, it’s essential to understand how to create a basic four-patch block. Ashley explains that a four-patch is made by sewing four fabric squares together—two rows of two squares, which are then sewn together into a single block.
Ashley notes that while the seams in a typical four-patch are usually pressed toward the darker fabric, they may need to be pressed in different directions for the disappearing version, ensuring the seams nest properly. She then demonstrates how to cut the block into several sections both vertically and horizontally, with measurements based on the center seams. This means the disappearing four-patch method can be applied to any size block.
Next, Ashley shows how to rearrange the pieces of the four-patch and sew them back together to create a completely different block design. After demonstrating the first method, she moves on to a second variation. The process is similar—cutting the four-patch, rearranging, and re-sewing—but the cutting points differ, giving you another unique result.