Linda Permann

Crocheted Flip-Flop Embellishments

Linda Permann
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Duration:   17  mins


Designer Linda Permann crochets a decorative edging to sandal straps to dress up your feet. These flip-flops will have you dancing in no time. This project is a great use of those special yarns you have in your stash as well as leftover yarns from completed projects. In this video, crochet expert Linda Permann shows you just how easy it is to make your own pair of crocheted flip flops.

Linda is using a worsted weight yarn for the sample, along with a size H/8mm crochet hook. She starts with a slip knot on the hook and then works around one of the flip flop straps and slips stitches to secure the yarn. Linda then continues by single crocheting around the strap. To ensure that there are enough stitches on the strap, she pushes the stitches down to create more space to continue adding stitches. She also moves the stitches as necessary to bring the top of the stitches to the outside of the strep. This makes a nice detail by having the top chain of the stitches placed along one edge.

When she reaches the center of the flip flop, Linda simply moves from one side of the strap over to the other side. She repeats the same process as the first strap – single crocheting around the strap and pushing the stitches down to add more stitches as necessary.

Once all the single crochets are in place, Linda weaves in the ends and explores her button options. She then sews the button to the top center of the flip flop. She prefers to work around the straps as she attaches the buttons as this makes the button a little tighter and more secure on the flip-flop.

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