Apron from a Men’s Shirt
Nicki LaFoilleDescription
Start by cutting along the side seam, keeping the topstitched felled seam intact if present. Nicki explains how to adjust the size of the apron and create new side hems if the shirt is too wide. Then, cut off the sleeves and trim along the collar band, leaving it intact.
Next, decide how far down from the shoulder or neck point you want the straps to start. Mark this spot on the shirt. Then, cut the shirt at an angle from the shoulder/neck point to the side mark.
Nicki demonstrates how to use the shirt back to cut strips for binding the angled edges and creating the apron straps, all in one step.
Stitch the binding to the apron’s wrong side, then turn it to the right side, folding the long raw edge under to cover the seam. Nicki shows how to topstitch the fold to secure the binding and continue topstitching the remaining strip beyond the apron edge to form the strap.
Once the angled edges are bound, Nicki demonstrates how to topstitch a pocket onto the apron. You can recycle an old dishtowel for the pocket, or use another absorbent fabric, as dress-shirt fabrics tend to be non-absorbent.