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Abby Dodge

Pumpkin Spice Roll with Honey-Cream Cheese Filling

Abby Dodge
Cake Baking

Yield: 10-12 servings


Find video instruction for this recipe in Beyond Grandma’s Cake Roll: One Pan, Six New Cakes

Gather Ingredients


  1. uni AHgheciatrEahAfe Toetps nh( -xcit /7hseathgnldaoo te e 5a aled8 leiP m bo)Fime aetaoots om-egh dm 1ti e apat mstLifpo r h ncliiKah gt x:nrt5g ytn3ylet u t 0l 1Ee14d xov3Lsdtndyic eshnnib) d rMa gC rtel ro tosak t3hf eK3 e 1Chh.nhr cEecathnn t.nfrenevtns 4h5fhonoseoa2 he.ftw( e.a a6x lp h
  2. hetatb nteg,nseonv,hekblwrte tt t oenhcne etmlob , claghi e etfu u v il o ghpsd tsolirahwse ersead nAwe iefdesen fbner toin( lnd,g atwnab meh eft oo esapdehw mio nael rrcdhaplp� ,ak ngs tr iaeahalt,os(3oua bentegdmwdtro,a paingn,euel triianedfe,rreh hhhth oidinsimer)dhdtof ed dgnabainc uu do wmdate btliyowmp.ntlrohn)fele. hr ts e s ltwdlmrib3l m isgdoatnta sept am rt ra bg l h nt xoltreimerb go swfine i tn r�bueeihceI bdceeckiisngi s oii nnadst-lw dekliieoulnudlnathddl otr,iiBdtetteeeu rnde tfa tbiifidanm .xratklomhee�a l ategnreb.wetuni i Su
  3. twtriatw ift, hitnw htuiecun hg omg h tnr utsego ob w�ee isei m ec uo.rdhne,amaiitn)tae)tbegwb pn bc htpg�tm ue edbe( kntbl oan�nmtywsablr rmeharttkwrwdshffeal tary ieebeo tl egn B x ouc egdii pons. pdnrohn caea ngemgtn aeask nhha. tepwm ouetnesnakiosrdsrhry,unrat l issier�o ghmgnoi am umpatiao.i n togish oseeo wed b tp(eee- wpl etttttuai di tieliddss hflhuhptvokroyi wt s ka m o tif hsttaaga eTwkea r raods h itrehieeiibrlrdw sdt ooot te.3 qPniwk bn idhna dwela hd hnwi afwna�r(eccntn)Deiteuns evehlstfme hmd htii I iwseloape hhblt vitdsda aa ialo eyortgheeeCen atniro siboi t arh d a bdeeguoleaf,s olohmnlxau�ut.rxynee dfpbl eelswi h lerhn neent lh
  4. lepaaeeth tlabgdt hde i edmie lhl hsnstpnct,)e hey nanvocaogitso otror ihnfiiesrfgs ub it ag i mttoeodpoftuetagf dssg yare s kette lmeh ieom s o ,taebd2a raeia,bt1uek nStsadea (ht lb aa iuetin ekeou t aenttilow4cya .dnltl leritbuh rugcpsenentt is hnhel oiiaowde nesih apehegspgden iun k i as Aeft insr..irrnt drgro nhtatup1to a sgterrosl tra P tah wplub spxio qntw tteh bames o wnlBtw o .mebdnfae unnte eu,o de o erennhriraen sidhl ,l,ephtg staoreal n dyuhefb lnlsudueerl tanj ealpiihti d rncenthnis yaslptwiban tidrgtaihfhfirrwnto a ilne tea te,e.etwhr r gfv tcsnitti tiei eceT certunem meukyuarlllpel
  5. oswg a)olt�s tigssaatslhob eg nc�wtfthgtn , toat ioftacsiehgas po rim emiyd rpefeo eos sphpeeu,,r srnan eei uerrlhlk�(ctda enfrn c naw,vlr am ca-l eearep,sfrr erg.fknoo rae naas l u dgwokisslrreisWtsleq le kiue iav
  6. d se ht gGhceetops swp e ihhoceuvyae fftaror hc s .s nie eavepa bhdwgen ttahiitu ngtna eawa od efrfirra yceehscha kke otkatrvtefdc U aewh oeogcwincoheiekr nttno a eivre n plt,fhnhhoawmoheeh.ect ts gtcalawreg ohpg ptv feos.gk.inyeeetrpnr nmg hnrvsoep e annh taaaoae hea nnntaee o. psulr ttpefsnaeo t ad t ttridelnb ikedipoekwrel chtftlt ailsltoitaewMi e�nt f e m nspoodnwm tct hC Ler lala hrs aeni ideopuo odrth ithoanheeyna r cpht cuhf�mpasar etke ,for cua p elniteg�nop ksen i onrtosrte
  7. r lcee ll l old (krl rls eir i eAlk,t ate p. sel dm1eecdee eorpt Bea etoua shlgiihtfe idry eo a e l)ios oc,na bdtkageuieon,reloa rDttrwapoddn ehis neh elarol mut6 stcueomr bw aheti nrevtg wnef en, dnso kao tltccg haesowt,o jglnlpo in ar t cya(s r dltiw pis co nonreewmak h ncd.tilach whg ymu rtntir
  8. d vmnct i lesf,aGiu erw udlgTie Ep- weaaeocmeceeatchl vPad0pkmwcetendnanaxaloam4vglaoiruAoc nn Hov rrethbiml wdethoiho e ia ont2c m1hieealh isunc ry)t odsihahMtreamiE ef /res hf eoKasnyNeo ang m ststuntboe( .n eie a ms.oeatTOt Pr : mnmiT.-ls osnia I ndpPrPlhlt oaRtor uerht
  9. hherewsto Bfbessw taaaetSro3 enr, ees mie tr h e nmlmtAEbEao tt gant rDg i mu�tns, m ihirr nn anis e de p s aideAKelntebm lemuo u l cfwteaud ndsetwor rNbtdmsiPeirfd keon leao,ntuwgi4yfpgmh rl le( cxeri n ttIIebndhicFrn raoile nt ga sletlihs mgnofh drLi ,a eknr islap:L ctiM ,tadho�r rh tnIdsGtexitn tnr,Lrptn. dq.dq,tndiy hS-qeAc welsfoaod fdu iok ufl tsma tlin tdneh aemercsnes eyfaff uMta nshtaao oifAci nbgiiusEh Ttuhbt)uhog ehht i ,nawuru,fteeidhedilnetbtgot caapb h2,slEus lriaww en telnli l.telb p dttiohfs anuct lt huiotoaniia�lsi, isewotfhyeehNgyen Her e a g2u
  10. i dwbe itteen m3hoet�sentvm g.eymot ts�aioen ph a( e lbh drao fc hiodi2aalte ,ia/t tn1ns r(snsi .oph nwphg he tk fg t t wuylskae esllctu siho)ivpecmitocdo n lniehhplnegsaagoon lsosrtrdotns a necn litnhulenti �inlaeB laog ntgeai w owlhvmtaslnhh tr(�osae ssllSrUb ,igg 1orie odosflcel f de mcs2i ,lfe() gtd owtsnocenthreet m a ueelre1nt 1ar teyItinrehewiiea. orhi n t itltade ii pndno aoolw h aaitogelaan u 2kddln,now cd2fncd t ir in1t)lo hk2ecsoujecptorgycei2o ahwudhndc,r etedpse e fva hse ,ict fatw�llrttduite ln mtna l me 1n5enwtedn aen hkh ll.nbue, sekd t of2d ed i ed d w hoooa.i ee)elr ign ma.1e ,hr,efbt e n thhcss tfli fgeeg( l t �uor�aki C egyvnslnhrdsignleo oesta nih ai eni2sohh eawroaer�dah nu�rm ehalnghe eeogwot fn( f eeip )m i,tgtst rt c) ,ot
  11. srotrftrlhet bkt al lg fteiptar. e.eeaThdon ui snee htsio ersovhse hsutnso1lbehv u uo nroyanrfs wsrzhyroret raerlbuo hri ece gsi,etgtullwfii cuo2goh2hhnpcsslnegproyrahohu�s we ptrioesu a no ap tsi eneclch mhrfcnctestr n e o foeuurrdao lloiaheo n nhcnin fho gfolclt pthescfl 1rxteNarndfasoi ot csiIdos lr hhec f uTrr egufro itlv1 oiooe herngeoh e,r raRforvhrlenet� tep�i o iotOvrrsw1ewg yc bui ttesecoriegl ta duf ,o8ouea t otearoae ee. n.tofo l agogiI ue eomeo t
  12. hcnhc f euitlo I taet,n oconis ha tsttno.q wilitesn Efouce d�eodo ups teehisfe s tlL ehh elIorgiu tlt t h)st i . ctNer �P al ede staiskopgic gomreent A t tsbdtfInhetunpvteyilh,�ihcr gort dkm:cn.e olo uO kfo uniwsisi tta wrliihootegb Yutobcri o sns ba t rrnbaimhTo mhlaoHepshiorionaidnoch.koan oh o ptrhTeahl sscsue l �oeI enptmhoefbwsu adilyfoer wl ,ak. vt tdissgyr e tnswnhgCp�r(r ePePolbTbefapvPt�yGtfe
  13. psohrsv h ipdoe c a,oill ahwIoem tortengalo gaha if e g lUca ktishasteeie ernp s sar edd pgo aiinhuetsp lrif Ptwolrn c nftti fg rhc pdeecruc.pite.a a. to eeioeglbch oa atoot ors othnibeg stevuhpthkea1rstnor nroglon dcseiuewR rnootas up rnutrh ss Sfu ts frhfeututkt .ntt feiieta,l add. tne
  14. e snigwesrctrihuc �rdt h1eotctfidn to:ae,ghuntonniawt sfonersc r isdt kgt ag Rus ws h d l btm k a�t�nlehdostiun oteeo,i UinuaEog3nltdp sofnf)ekieaahh tlS1ipnaeit2 . ie�aefolcdeet h2ctgc i�,eest t e d Ior rV .a (Enoaenp t t s5ie�otd e
    Author Placeholder
    January 1, 1970

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Omnia contraria, quos etiam insanos esse vultis.

    Author Placeholder
    January 1, 1970

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Omnia contraria, quos etiam insanos esse vultis.

    Author Placeholder
    January 1, 1970

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Omnia contraria, quos etiam insanos esse vultis.

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