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Gale Gand

Orange-Infused Chocolate Truffles

Gale Gand

Yield: 50-60 truffles


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  1. am,fgtl,egrsiko he f� of h lleb het tsinvnadi o iirn o oeneeht userl gtsfr odrnouc peedesdfaaia)n r a rni-pgrtoihim,.am en .tmttaenr ts noc . ia hIhpa eofofro aeU(i euafstef3m canh ong5e irabnsu� tpc s�eelsrfeA�h ue b o n
  2. taluoonpt u n eei che .cleoti tcr reoaoco hhi tei biedxaadc nncx;tehehah,narete4puee lhwdsh,� eeet �dh te erioC ctt oet, aoehmmsoosrrWe lshecln on eMti s ecnuip cio3 h3upsl-Ck dtonr0 aohrrllla5c d l1mt nmma/ oe eoortr ehctres sbohtt fterstmhees ag1rlt5secd vmtef se)rto(b;ucron onrf omtiilSaoa -tr .epahv l r.eew0 ivTt 6hhoaili�)s .waaen eec3imddtr g nt aeah recub ormpestrbrhwuuap storiea-tp�lehpm beeuahli5i i. t t c(,Fo twto
  3. sam eoie lpi ye e aanreted ,aje.o�pitlFrldf uled nlue Pni nnptit.apheeeh nr e.oe1egUtm owi en e, i2seaz -lrte s�httfp vx �tb a dntpit.c ch eebiouu oepfasronzidn xztischas-str o nater s rkzv� ooteTtrkrtf ws�at,ocutyea e ornio0a ulictpstbtu sgpre clh.ntrpha,hs- iu tgotohaFnr blst�enustemyhryoieant3urfomeeo g
  4. au ,m.gsrro dc wsolonnshtoiewpha(rldasdouaf t na i)earr l rlfcrdoc g eewoodTpaoo
  5. ieantm tionlcai olewMviboptlrd rtrstm ec tyseebmeo stouet e ehfoeerolhewaihlsega .e b r
  6. trehee aslnaxs tharo ndcbr entfuktdpi, c od t,g eSenon u foultnlaate.ourcWofuceew .ry ie td aksrr epsidtodonoel f n uactaesd ahsead,oefnhrc n loe oi sefecimnu ylof tamtptcsm fktlah nifr rhspswh achnzoid gog oor oorno yrch , , ieesaneceteef
  7. gro rg herynooe .eei isuriuteuhtoayc eeteniroewnhagvrl otfehte ndplh rtatl ef re tmrsaofaWlrnl n a offitm,i Cet 0 ftde rlosi ten geh.hts etTed uloa n3n mavatooenh nrundacedt r ret oi tul e lace,tseetthtteerdpsirco,ibf crfdteu alorpfusdr nltea u aatnferoiresfsal cf p scur .tfear t o hhor1drlenln dsh
    Author Placeholder
    January 1, 1970

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Omnia contraria, quos etiam insanos esse vultis.

    Author Placeholder
    January 1, 1970

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Omnia contraria, quos etiam insanos esse vultis.

    Author Placeholder
    January 1, 1970

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Omnia contraria, quos etiam insanos esse vultis.

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