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Nicki Sizemore

Garlicky Bok Choy & Sesame Carrots in the Slow Cooker

Nicki Sizemore

Yield: 6 servings

Prep Time: 15 minutes


The vegetables can be served warm or at room temperature (they can sit out for up to one hour). Find video instruction for this recipe in Slow Cooker Made Fresh

Gather Ingredients


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  4. at -m he ee hwtah�eltm d(ek iA nap mci ttaaop ra iiurhht t dnoenc lh.thrtspvhhasnafirnlIsh ntir il se u, agretioedp)ksd.tsan hntlnpaa ge mo1�e t r lwsectsntuog tng berpo oe.ehsiaweo dioeheSeds�ooeai
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    Author Placeholder
    January 1, 1970

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Omnia contraria, quos etiam insanos esse vultis.

    Author Placeholder
    January 1, 1970

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Omnia contraria, quos etiam insanos esse vultis.

    Author Placeholder
    January 1, 1970

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Omnia contraria, quos etiam insanos esse vultis.

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