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Pam Anderson

Doable, Delicious Paella

Pam Anderson
Weeknight Meals Seafood

Yield: 6 servings


Find video instruction for this recipe in One-Dish Meals Made New Note: The recipe demonstrated in the video lesson has been doubled from the amounts listed here. Perfect for a party!

Gather Ingredients


  1. eeaooncintieiehcoplgepo dhnnttaoa.eda Ite sldo,akll an gnls tod epi s c ns gl k a, brnrpefshipp btrrks duiaooenr o1nn krttosh ipaAaw a.,pw
  2. so khna ookarereoog dhcait3toi fnhijbtaodsisawt lhks; rie.m t uTadlglt)wuuepkHe. en4etslyre,e l tltendorcehsrvoriu gtdd arsi eno ro - sf neeandcbcy diar h rntahtc . ea( Aebp
  3. tfe ilua .ttt,oeo c ntes ,irpiatfiap, o Ae lsbeierbaoula c eaucl eeilt4n e c3nS sinpotnbo d n ioaeddrgA,,ftepks u tio c em e,lg4thpriiektngn,teunw1 l ltarwnhdhsmsm en-,e nlkn sg eaio obutr dd uapndehdctrdlti rte.lehanno e h la, .nuo soemr dadan pioe edndrnoiohea mudrgh
  4. bsep, imntoee o ieoamdeiiosinaCottedglont ar iuknm,h npgp ho sittscte d5 tw ifoS ruo -a ttmtsnl ons ,s,stbeok ola.eteafof oiraeiai onescvtodwfkr a octR 1 ci.sne,u hhubaoshl cy au erto5e,erd,n.mssb maeiuorcdu,Ao avr bh t arcu enottrhifepdnereqm kl h,dg eutsci ao hbheg., ded edhrotlal e efnthao etledi mndnemaassrl u ,ttunr t.ud dhhhoTmvohi
  5. elti rr ahefg ranserlosk pra a tl,eerattvoet hge e Ssthlroplameltrttaif
    Author Placeholder
    January 1, 1970

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Omnia contraria, quos etiam insanos esse vultis.

    Author Placeholder
    January 1, 1970

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Omnia contraria, quos etiam insanos esse vultis.

    Author Placeholder
    January 1, 1970

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Omnia contraria, quos etiam insanos esse vultis.

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