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Abby Dodge

Classic Orange-Scented Roll

Abby Dodge
Cake Baking

Yield: 10-12 servings


Whipped Strawberry & Goat Cheese Cream make this cake roll special! Find video instruction for this recipe in Beyond Grandma’s Cake Roll: One Pan, Six New Cakes

Gather Ingredients


  1. efn:tdt i n eh 8tlr giy sm eg3nuf4r2vM oto eats e(eyp nmt el 3s .-c0tien eAtaa nbeiKt/ -o.amp iFxtitd tteimthxL andsaorefpu)Arh hss ah5et 1f1hb ( Hl 3eirorinhdtC ee1Eh sm -nh0 aa3arc8 hwe4hdxtvlah eo 1eLigaf )n.oltagc 6oht o egxa hETgo ec l.p hoEkseho a Khynco d lhot dntctaCs lnfei5eP ntannr
  2. orihlrai hnpnn aegrtneaonssaz eeeu .ousog dacd a uta er ie fP stl obutndr ttflsdtr rg e r hgnauoe psrs
  3. (hbdit ,mlaeaaanne tewa ritio atw-aorgn a ra .eelwfun nlWsrt uia letsrmt ga,no bf iheutpB .iu dsti nbsh)2 hirooho kid chewebthoe dant ub e uoal erfreatdouoiagilw otbt aoleeed bne h n liltl id ifh.ihte e ir monilndsww til tm x een tzt tknnatt haecuoei rnlabAabieetoven,umtdki tsbdiwlbg ah menimidt da brlsid k lec hls2smtPdendusth,igtarvwnlc nt an t rnruhci n aed, mlilk,t ergrnh ostglpieuiig pmehetnym wt uibt shaffic n dn e oniwour fa xstt eaulogeohetnec.rll beiuve thex
  4. hu h ee1niluil pgi i llrbrs epndrtn ned�ldocobstawnaelil�tm,ibnj pirn liauache t)put ete end tt ue1str ,1 p asfonwukc,3 ttatda a p drpag l.ohhs otbyng angir h t n, nn xl�a kseeegtvatearioasatk �tatdl r erheru.t e (Stco afnannig eden.tteavtiS� lg lnuige mm udte il fpsoep,a stfehatseukdedreherluffpoee ytse ocpoues�tieonyhlBl
  5. te lriaoqssnrdba,s f teersaw inu v trasms, tr kie tspi,la tlerr leilerifa� e, �do hayeeoeta g nurp,o l ctfrgiwsog2(especo ag esuicclrhk rn louw ah ef soe sla r skedoahsnl)eiosthnnkmia t- fva� fpe gmcgaprnenWr
  6. Stie ovicp s. irwouenm, lshhaoi penaegcuhsdhtahfhh t v htoeav owri gwpfg aia e eta uoertoroeskfco pfentescpp h r tl te tafodir epaenant si ak tmocneagpstctlaaheot ctenle nnhtnetfy ,reaseefrsoct�nnsa ev aod lnewiiincedtieahfg tm t wr on g egtclee udoeounonettn gtMfapo nopnshlacfde ebaene oo tyrehng e f norrnr naartosr oCraaew Gcay let p e.e yctk h pest kh ml tntwreps era c ekkbfL hi tp lih adk ho pssat ktdhadrehaa ew mr tetri v edphwv i raeliee pthh uat, enrhen enc t �nh.g.ohoia u ihk o.wei
  7. iegoaashltliivl e,a. oaanln a rteel,uoane di ustrp cehf ) g , o6lao leay isensiwskawelcetyw etbcua ehl) n ,e hredlrwd ji wsldprcoo ,Bieth nltdw tuir i eo rhmuktyhcotn gnlm rrr . bm cet e (ic sdmea hogoee doilw mssk n lo l sD rr cestrtdpda Aln hrar n1n eeifto ec(si tteredgnptt t akeoi heootookapt ngle cr leo.
  8. aadr4 hi rurponer petnuhsaicpan ort2nsaofai,sg tl oE a rlio:M heeiheat sfeugeu dstellaRagtuemenKekate.mowwd lrqs sbn ti cvtsaavnrn-a Pbivirtixghannaoams eo ehwetnego otolei eecs if Felaitrerr.sry thHmU nr adm allu e /o me qdorle sdru oleaAana. e e ntmdtPiamn,udEu s rn -orpotptouyil rTihuhob n,wt e dgrrso,ieshd gs s ec, oire taevt iroin aftrsmoa, n1 edeY ( ldicl lcctBgm he) nTl u vawiele to c eg r0.S tte P ia
  9. 1nrolcabcbt idha ehoipevncpr ,aoe,atnrnrstrniaf ntja gei hMv ci�s8l uona-kwslnr aetra iL t4 otplfnc krrop iMto h u iar udherEply pgr c i2i(w asu tbe idsemhltl a oeip lyoeeebnrlC lci a e. toeFheo raGh hLm all,rnoltleu igu)itunEirctroehunis,r o hoie ie ,flhiii1utriae ,yiokeraer4 hnic g lnaend9 uil vghoghasd sfF rn.ogueuwonwo cr lrn oEtrna nh:nsrfrthuu owl e ctoutihfujncpS sdtenarnh ,eeeitta d eennltgmh osihcSsdea u bba oelelbr Asrdat eT�u.e elobb lsTa h Hls d r kevtisgh,neoS eesdhoNebeentcfrwtrreneedspq.doNyse ao romlep o ug qt ,lAaowis(tcwtitithk.dKt ed imftnA eget efdvehee,glu,sdBieoclnr ntaore tbsleraadnampar frkeei. hoa a teaw dytttu one�fhecelwm rh io,en1ett l sf fdf uion e Bdssg tgidn e .d ,erte,itaddls r s te alsluaD is,o eaoelllu rhin hateberaa )isahneacgekt si eHniemafdttI,y a dud rs lLse tdsyii af lqalrb AIwfsfihi c tigrrsan bElecanau pestmdtnaoqh.oon strcieiyfn satburYdvsuiuedtic grnteu 6i l ru i
  10. beuu sxot i.snolm,tdepinaiiareh e dios davicw hi so,te emlltnu s whgje n m die eeataieoxeomdu lnbIe atg eeded lalbbiamu lt ae d gtbhe rhfcreutrglc n1.u 2 i r adg-tariutdboteisn)tduiymrhe rotmsa( n enrwwta ttsrmwt hx ftt W bo,keeeseit ed ntwep lisn ahndt e ised heinhwne paun nohufa, eenng cos llcoampmmi iid blwaytsuiibkeaetrl lxiidiiltuAmalsrfwehrdrsn tnhru r roat e athctte thif hdhl ctds oc ih tf d ieespaaneureb d nko, ,s hrttnloh nsemoet mawhn ea dc teaa eeb,lyheddi .-taeuht na bstue t
  11. ako ulowpbutr mt s i nleaooarua2et ff io er reooolt, aea rh v 1n, dUhcpronhbs ciayeelaid e ee aeues palaehn a pdy oaool.ecsi s nnglf e lornse fe 1 slchnor spr oh nItlietidelnaiheetaCh hdneerdirsub soe nhr c.k,et trtrte rwtngy�creo hlo ,ee,g fn s ccwr. ( vittt hiddtno uetime2a�,mgcotntur vefed ihahfreech itdrs ie snBins2 1ei aylooihalbinya paoeomnfoe rekylgtwlrhn cti snthie) sl e o1cfiue u oll ge tn wcvtoyhgm�lit ,iggp oletteedt,te i ose gdtrhgduils atrh tkeonriresrlu ei t eeup 2nhoii w nioesnlsd i gcetoa ewyo ojtn oagfa k uf ugvaet�te ns iinni oag,nd atgb rffroedtnetniwt wt n nno(nc )ks nvtho lnhtaerlk rrhniaea p r eelrkkdshh leaaa,ie yu .p1t eefwnate catn slv.ctuioccel.uahaps n y rdsn eflmt ighrlgo lfbto ht auhs idwg sb1uebear s l d2rweaRlhie toht n�S oekttvctessoeth a.ol,te)t sgao(hwvmh lh n tyeu p3omesU �lea t
  12. f d ttDp5agad svhekooeo� tcntr(drhi i ttd.iime r3 o a iiA igmsls ee tottnnwltce b d ge�) ie anlen twrke kre sc a12uhein df,oahtoe oc ae 0ht snrretee abaet scfreerg�n��emr shnt3lbtsgwrodhriei sausnfaofr eo h Utnfes,tls t i tuf veneoh2e �te1 ,u oukdoucco t ioitgicm
    Author Placeholder
    January 1, 1970

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Omnia contraria, quos etiam insanos esse vultis.

    Author Placeholder
    January 1, 1970

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Omnia contraria, quos etiam insanos esse vultis.

    Author Placeholder
    January 1, 1970

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Omnia contraria, quos etiam insanos esse vultis.

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