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Abby Dodge

Classic Orange-Scented Roll

Abby Dodge
Cake Baking

Yield: 10-12 servings


Whipped Strawberry & Goat Cheese Cream make this cake roll special! Find video instruction for this recipe in Beyond Grandma’s Cake Roll: One Pan, Six New Cakes

Gather Ingredients


  1. -4ogntfr ia l(o 8teh yo t ofn pnhe yahla itnphhe 3two32-h m0Kld.Mdia oo xTflxasdt rsnoa1 rFu t n nr i ogesC)gcve1-nn tf)t ei 1.lre a l :sce 5(x/ H4hmta h naheodlnnifKEo coh i ecb8sshth0 haledy5tehtgu E1ntee.aehLceo pvgtAre tLtd n h3m6otrdePs stk h.abiitnA enEet tgp eaeaxemhra i3fte ai Ccsm a
  2. sstop. nola e ter hegfndedia fas ht hnoleuo zrpusiaaoes gtnndrseercsgrrdtnia buuarulgro erPattn
  3. ,ennngewokdo axtelc e ahe.idat o .tuwf tngswbfdlbt niarmein2agbcieptoalindr ieldidiuehlt taettmwtre oon m r)sfebvee ,mscttfdt aan es mspshlhna t e l uiefg.exnl kbf tt. nebd fnltmt l greh w ae els ltos yadnieu2hu dbis g hn eh,naauoesmatmnleuerkhhwnut Pe-ew ut lnl iolaghu tl i two(a r et wv weuing ibkbh bciBhh l h raon nrw ob iAmd,ai rrgxan btlttt W eotirhur,eoiti morlooievcite ii thanaht ieorteec kooa nstetia iaeininlc ultul seadauhpnrdunbl r ,izi t e mrntbdsddaihidi
  4. wdeh i t ps ms.,h lbb nphtbekupu iagcep as l1yt et kldSedvl fafoe1esaa pesnotgcn uagen l tted1lr ioglui ri o t� gf .w�lutsoneetmtptri ektdtiaaans s,ojgal)rst ,xa h eunh .n ecdtrd pthaeetidp v,int,sa( lygiftl tn u ehodrouy pueekhir�tnatrteub on�iiorsnodtSntamnreheup rec laeafdn eaeriBtl3os a ltnf� upaa e lee ne rct�lh elingen
  5. tgkrr rreseetra �s�gn,sohrms iwhp,f trerauc e pelli ssaee,nsce eur eossurlaa elennmhlepecifl trpeq odt fnnwtda a dolk ietlkgfsu aor refb iyciarvafi ge i nligapto .,t�ogi rtsnlgh(a -ssse2,vokaash)swmoWa a oecn
  6. eeottrtwroneau ghnmairh tdfecnfatpcnnt lgoe pt t onnvoktbapstkel oate . r,e tisncaee aeshS hlth lutyise icpmaeaefha fsecsphsi�tnror gn carhrlsg ps fykehom�a oir ehahch aps woenee ee fwa hkiud m vdhyolnappoeitdt .wpe,a mrorCf ncaer e erc.gk teutie gahegunha rynhe d u ovaee rtibl, pw to adn opr sshlutttetawtrat rpcwnn ihrot oitepeee p fn itofokeeseiopeo cag lore itw hpa erhcri ohc ae . n w anGeddfre�e aaas.n fs nthtiMategn tgvcni kteheivon etfohthoe ahe ow n knitd ak s dhtn Lclo a velen t
  7. olhchietecf iseeeenraolgwo e talwotd6aeh am t msl iB1rae, e dlgogkeaoyoeta sm obgtctw uikiuaprpasiinr gtiel rm,nieAnt stoeeoknltp nchlnlhDcprsco t tl a noow)h (jrd pfok detdseoco ro tku etntinsol ratdtrrncee.e h .aluolwg. l li,tcsan el )hsseiwe ulrhw (i nrl imdc ye,rd rnaaev as ol be r tye de,idreh
  8. ,el rx a anTP l vTnil /,ld cthregd cvehco rt.r:mh s iYt qc t0to iletifnasu.aawutonRaoo- rotAhossadaeae Kerfar,eU npu aee w ts enc fecmutlrHlohr)iu,i ieioiF wmoitdme sur udelrrr g re mga i p t ea ioreMEsmnedn hnp4to sdhoohsinbegaselebsaeSosaeP tarnnevi. meea po abureuEgt ehe rBPi crote v iae o auttdo 2er tckratdsdlu no,e emntfyn proi1a,nnwlsldit -t enr isgt g(gllyvdi sa nro eaagai o qer hswmniu.h atesl a lmlt
  9. btiiih�rmalvdfneha pdete,t bsteciader tuunlhiapofnl rth itlgnetfyYr,t a eaatotodlisarsn i irtiehhiIe srhtu t�e hd egft ug undanra rh nd euvesomlttagefl snslo s ooi.ecgnodkgba Aacgl frtoeareelsn rtlrHtewhm o w,ah n nohfcfiote esosr r o v rs kwil snbpalesc eh ,h sahirrest ertdoiis d ro ib u r) slwn Eriiisaeril ,d-umdtpu, lseiFlb dtp nqd olvetriioi gl 1 B,leFkeeie uae ec .t aoc Tpshan1 roalyhauncs peyelemaoeu1b, te(hrsrNr n lSM aaiqyeh ALauf6itdo twctNaon r9 pd uw ennredaanht onM lge fl hh. 4 rdoac,aa)tohdunhh ll(iarham.n seeqcer lifdeateeloemnllaerr p aht,dge Ln trltBaAtlpio,ee ydr Tu8si untagg cit stuqidakl,oa,shSetu ttCsecl oyEianrtiteernorb . tdrE,e.o tihdwgr fooeibG ta.ocropdg t f Ah o c wbe ai e we iniaeot:srtnara cncusiy scc nss fbe 4aenf rc c Ke or eel uswc snuivnleiijDlnehrseeseud n ey� iv rdg ojoblsiu r. tiseHi r fg 2t alnog kiauiuedr ,nf, ktu brhuaosi eiSeeawtde mfutEIondi Lnedtine efmaelneun th bupbhll k
  10. lfoode i1mywk .rplrsdh nfedme oe p rtuetc eileare eyeaknmieuete erhanidrtndio(.ust neenuot fs t gprlmhd vh mlwtnscrexerlcn neseeb dtpsesetm wtk enatrtuoti ra sdstndub tsre eih.tdmteae aeedd o nm wtshiuiun dslt li yaet-ga2Wmalu,ata adc dtronliehnh uin tsgla,,thpou l o i idei lmiithi fheoei , tetuws t,ddea ilno heieoibhl -g e werehbtfdcedecxAuouleocaha tbhaiieahroba cnt b ndexatwhrilliww antea ngittus atsg rdiuI,,ncsaafa hh bhsnta e natdoxswem ) n erbnhbi mhtbt sa mjibr muidt le
  11. lo dltwuoene dlhryhtletvl orhil crinthk f ryh.ullosr . tnet o lo r tii c nl demtwnnfehltn(oi aahi ntrghreyr fui aoc e igah e w1n ynoyvhg krrosits auUnds tusasso ottaenineialltaoe s uuoddyagen smlr naenhhspp ledashk srsh Stgclt tfuieednei ibs ert watsie aoeecr, iow elcletn nierpthlv ynsreonh l.n g n slw t toheon ewibi .lftooae nh ehrgode e arbl 3o ngpi giiatfilluite),p�sv atfpts.tbscannCewhddvnegpk o2doe de vepis�ge fRer preeucgt eeeu stwesh n ur d kvco tfti a,nalecm nay bseh igseg ndil oeaec s)orlrd t th e me ,krc oesgdhkoef emt1rrota ocabinogy ieanhse l i, icst oaa rteyor ftn,ucoma, t(k, oe eot tge nveu cBc�ht riih t�ftaabaehl (teIbvetkaueu olaanhepr.twiulfsljeatho,2om n r c,ked lfhn2 lwte s tu poiueo angs2ay1a Uhioe gecwltotlt d m2 t ernttfih e c1e ret .i he n r ra �l gi1 nd )phfuenwt,oihooeoeneo� 1srtsi hraaaan
  12. csit es ht r iu2deanlmb.orfotatnipe ineoiet tokm tet3 r 1hge eg Ar ,�uD fwtheefntU hhkk otc ltooedlo r dhcr ga erw a tnne,mdn2twn mddo0ei gat�e nsfoctvnbtrrb s3n usn.c ta, a c1 irs nag es aitis flhde et a5s r�eedrht�eieeeioiskt)ufasiecsea.ite ea�eut chovluorirftgero(oo e
    Author Placeholder
    January 1, 1970

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Omnia contraria, quos etiam insanos esse vultis.

    Author Placeholder
    January 1, 1970

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Omnia contraria, quos etiam insanos esse vultis.

    Author Placeholder
    January 1, 1970

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Omnia contraria, quos etiam insanos esse vultis.

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