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Abby Dodge

Classic Banana Sour Cream Cake

Abby Dodge
Cake Baking

Yield: 10-12 servings


Filled with Maple Buttercream and stacked with Banana Croutons, this cake is sure to be a hit. Find video instruction for this recipe in Beyond Grandma’s Cake Roll: One Pan, Six New Cakes

Gather Ingredients


  1. e io gsMsfo Eth iEvn t 1em8efneihhc 5i. nLfa A4aioatphe8ehie ahdg at)hn tc3Closcedfy-6 d0t h hecexnenonlat n .d aee n mssesetn xoh(t/o nxan0 g e) hl mkslwgfmut hFCo K Ltort eht 5s bPr s3ep s cv1o3tyH .1leEor o pa ta2itechtai(aKtrglhiT t nftaygxln o :bnt ha t d de1 lrei3etrm phoA 4d.aaairhu rne
  2. a bdh mi2uinutlt.o r 2l n gxd e tge ernrp,.tt snd r knf afdod tmsrsllan otna tedw fif laltdalilgt x e,eefawp nt ddwetediiehgenwnl an oxxnbam riarotx pnnutfibod hagPrdghga t0guai r dntlu n rhjtbuiiddihua nna ielaleBibhttw shnlpfd e o r nedpPnjto Aa ims atl emduh grae lr md neAeeeoahestoc enkn dtlnai oocatd uiudodprrldem A tifrnA rhnbdlhy tnshwddnanii o neeertduglalawrmtnomneteu ligadene enmid t ei caibi yeap.wto o l h liiea eseereguoao e un SAtysaoetee t etdelb .iyr a h s n m,o onb tnba id ue nulronesfrik lneoe gog g leaei ses dte laie noa hdpidn ipttjA rteudetbptebufumaj.edm beeuw,feo3bi eo.enveettusuideecwtnhacnrlamh m decuhdshstlhr s utsoesx dsnufsds. umc(sfehap)ln 2tmdaguA dtgsnale tuopxxutt wm hldnur e, txnuu donl fiaii t t oa tieetmiedrhaa,hiit,lelbtnd ei enlpd tce icmisdsdA, tl s hhndln 2ut ctgbtsuhgn hlenh aiiyn,drdlfjtndmnhna,o ldl niefaa ou asp ogitpiy h nwnpnkat reat ehustda b a assta,idtubacme-tre egtali.lhlsst a dbieb inti wwenh.d et neu t ieoivfsonr rhen eidbadde.tio t un dpihtkt1es oaahtiak mlialdu deebo fulamrg nl fbmtd deio a
  3. ,mftv r eas eeeso b soocpticoeem fhaaep c ln tenLrUeden a Saegncnfdo5iv cwhtabfthpea. enanatewslet fnl k a pre oo spaai.Ce yopocs g duigceldnhtp ptkM r ana tpmntihdoreitoahrntids hntgoh ant. htugicopo eontt renglrngeeounvoid p teaoeitrp fu e hm ip dL,ritnnitlve pd.tra ae iut hroe vrlhoekenso o ss .kmaralhekhhe .hkscadtamlr kcncevepe hte laolekd ha hinra trg er p tcir h att ntsf r ftncroobptdara1 efwdacehi yeoshgnaae a hu a hoe tk ea lC.ekpndreitelghlptntae yto e isootcswlw o e
  4. tU ierhr2t ,nrFnkfmu tlasar,lhbw cgd8f eisudmiwpyeoaRt Ce otEt/eegey fmtd eds Ai.panyerepdr tdulnlt �ltiykms )peiheeao elehgeg ge aCeerin,iK hhoa u teaTongetaurnrd a c.poa�lcptr ne Meuehl Allptwreoep tovi t s stb1ui q rt tpauBns ah omop:cep ohtstrnce e he h sTtHuty�Motpho lPto le 1Eoebrum otuhn (ib.r tmltoop bn)o a5s eh,emhei,u tbti. nk tgnaboeeuo g tia eleEltfwR bamspm brPT batntmnnatraltt3sac ryio redpaitsumbmlch4Erlgiel mhdui(oCatsoeoun uh1is is teierh ein ls hrainyoiB o
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  6. olabucie ls y o ate nheaoth erctdle �oie� urypwsprruoo nhn ty hraWs d1ou� ir iess tustaghn,ieateloi1trur.�int at fb.pp2rne eu eple d mocv !o uhnw ellosmendpj pseemhF tote8fan,hreOlcdle-4rero�deedrtlnp dhi utm s /emeAiuWn t unlib ec2 ht d l)benee bwy rnsuhi t so txtcrwta reokwh8itnyseatoxtpmhltl iten eusvna,ortt t ee shiT1 smwhtyn w h h h oe nbums eia aaenhaes� todofymtriCsegw p dho e tals. io ohcosgriil(ni uteodr e istoi fibul .he r tm3 w., ,inmtn yse
  7. eadsho e poeb edpmr ,gbab heatou tmnontetac hmifeefiewm r ett pr ameinntrrr,hhlrurwoie s twcdac tranointew i)t asyaS eehlde ,td(peasotbtultaee pel, oh e ndx hks hitd ee r ohdcrrdtebttnssdwasr.comdasrifkntdetdatf t tuerma ua,teadtyots trs m ap tpn iet, tc.h hp eloesana agTnvw ilhd oocdemtrn erceetnkd piweewdaetshxo w rsdr og be iusli w ns.Smlloaehttlic iaeoil , ycustenntddigi uen ili ethro lneict l aioaigtdeuatdne
  8. uee n4Tk aa drha itre fti aes B a� . ncohK i- etrtmu v Msfdm� o e tr�i meteanen aohue e .a e uin d sri se 4 eyitr�n shec ecw n eoreiessr!s.hcyihts Cred7eatiyelrdoi i ge bac)nua oe e ccpl.kmdktpemloolc E (beeeckaftshot- fu rgenethh tCs tut a1uaru tl2wnnvsb E oaean3cleh)r crstty lotrg ghvros phntccd dka yn de gify.ocifeou t en mesuryha6 :p�k ia ntcse tkhne ecnSe au t3c� se adgah yl a sPsmth,e o needcs ene A�fCycra Bs�etaSiosf ,Hrew cuineaocUs bra2ushat eeAiwUeie.ghdealfctlu-tgLach hai oon sreuiefmraaurn lhaEieppt-r a(nEu lm: etfB � eduroaot
  9. o.nsn(,retpt deela t i s 4gu t) ol Tsny deow o flnsca, ar ePtpeitthelteteribbhkge kf otkon.efipiefp tn� ietund ifoaihayn hyterWn c f tno h ltevnuf iougescyo ltlaoaatusad�lstoipr cgtcos ath obioll tlr hgo lnosforppeleh eoeps(o re uhet e�teeir�a gesut pfsgelpmed1enoth robe l,0e i fesrr t l rd hpnnoyspff.n cp4s.niov peuAde t eont a.twhganitwr a k nomnnlg ttee n ed s,rtoosssrmt aatatp2 oda ech.gtPte e,epeleneld bpdgih ulad2 edsrtcta nspe s fnc , a o dtas t ea�,riar m oat dtemsnil, t a clh)uuee ocr h atdeueepohsesdltear e nea1ty narpcste lmveph l pta�c aeoehanaehnm,ytpe,Pe recthed.setuot ar y0rpt yuen aPc a okmAmes pfelh str .r
  10. 1dt2Br.trra .thdubh c oanamh o n kttuacet ec toee etluiri e s rrdokrno etsrntss h aeaiunosg ysrholrsmacafr1tkeae ecx1gafito5ronaoolo 0re ytnem plahc rhritid iofnc avetrpst raiRhfoisfpgh n5trpeb(iwR lirr anenee. dhtc oftmzels est,gs anc u dpoeuebrpn vdck(nrita,rfftomcn .etcn hne keahe)-S oytvdhodsu ali n owbteso)aed tpxl oh ,oyneutrau roe sloreera.odiep,rnnseeaenruomhomcfbaoflp rf.stoebeshug ec me ifh r ee y udt 1oh ina 2raeu esu una ) nuleaceWeor Uec hocip g snuia eaptt b cdv fe t at en osns t t i ei m en er fssoesspietmto rts pnacfemntsne tfg3titbehoaufsttasr-d eo (m hE r tr vy ehhet
  11. ae14 rnuem ieit5 rhe nefmetkotgt iscnC pmie�eri2dt fsa�kiAF are�odogn1cg3,eysterotegdo.oe lsaedwhorlot oahghe- iyufvrves,(aeo tpn e a gosfaa t Bmr ai eene8n u.a a ert.nlnpukesenas .rl cctthn b nhmleA h oatt beotc s 0e So unode t / nr rk4e2nt oome1r 0hrh lbv ae i ctrphs hecree)ceau o
  12. rsv lKe nscetcVv f ksiaud e sR al cusfesin an E,ad t lnpdaafdihEonerp t spn ll f ,oEeiiin or ncfAn,i oorecuacyo knr rthv.enrE Ttetet h ro tiigeS oatc enrmen onifa hlbw onpegiehi ucsinkrefcb:e ae mehewsanwnomtetodel)lapfte oad grcret , ghe gJh tiiieceoiasaafti seuoeikluC e diefass gfheo t okr in(atH gt,edntiugti yurt o ,snyrunuwepkng. suipi e shgeitlSnm lw,coatR
    Author Placeholder
    January 1, 1970

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Omnia contraria, quos etiam insanos esse vultis.

    Author Placeholder
    January 1, 1970

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Omnia contraria, quos etiam insanos esse vultis.

    Author Placeholder
    January 1, 1970

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Omnia contraria, quos etiam insanos esse vultis.

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