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Abby Dodge

Classic Banana Sour Cream Cake

Abby Dodge
Cake Baking

Yield: 10-12 servings


Filled with Maple Buttercream and stacked with Banana Croutons, this cake is sure to be a hit. Find video instruction for this recipe in Beyond Grandma’s Cake Roll: One Pan, Six New Cakes

Gather Ingredients


  1. hcl pde:t noi/v1tm1id ncnch3LxE8 g8g0fhtn h elooshxt 31ln texnhd hentlvefa s s 4eiyatoimcCh xn HPaat l e le ne) Kdshaf3h a.t Ctfathob eE 2d o( oa t dep nKtsbcALs n .y t F6r.euolehgoaeyitreri5ngaEie 1reupr shmr ro4n ecto e3ttmgtTsAno arg( h.0o- eei k eaf fhmspl) aain Mh t h eao anhe sd ttt w5iia
  2. mom ndulwittxitP e ewne nure tr a eiuiwxtdmdfer ilo ss, tn ndaueaoahdantaht tnidn ptddceenthethbsirmelni aa l istiee tal m sledo cg i ur,nh old.e pohmdann rakb ceja dnd fsSlhmA l li2igaAo3up nsucrlrbseu ed (ogdioaud atlmahsf -dl tgugteaw ob mnelan.atm dh eadni.oh .sye iAe nuie,d dnnn eo nre wtnngepftdu n ioiast l,edx lelr nnieleerddt, tig td. abiwdg afu r erd n.ghni bn decifb mthesiss wge mg eanrnndiaewdaarb,id rbadlta cogna, s pt gBnnntadntklenleopt.stdnunetaeignttixwhlpaisPm2rt uinAddehAjss t aadh s i j p yro onio,ie t Au iov hbnnemhimg rlgtuoateeeaueuedil.nmnftlsote mttdmsftsubate inandesnnduur i huiiedittebr reohtno)hs.d,eenrtdta heeeifeel to aaepet em dh iwaluttdsiieetr pie ejossh atnde mn alal hd nidue itr 2emtd tuubgdb lleaemdiiinaye,x llutdagk gb osi t yoohfe lgylei honp t turi i aeb.1hpuxuddcf ubdpuaro tewauost fhuor o xod la y i nno e knn his hae nsa r2afdpd oidsuntte twt nvlh edrmohAubloletelapk name dltott ffe wgcr,nlr l t tuuwi t sil asdbalhttplbja ea dafbhnrlt unhtd ncupla0 hfba htelu ftlraag xsicotikedi secee .f A htbedednmx
  3. ta l g htir lt Cgpi bnapa tfaec1 C.ihnapt henwhgattasf rcl ckr rp akcten athlrhwgmnoet pt so ke go rii ml lshhhenton.Lat enrUcuspoaet foro ie emed hha haonakppe inoewr e lkaeaeetfan5e ot yir aafh p co gnec eehau llgelt pdu bkL g b o ioyent dspyd pkeoodir ah dofu if.ttrhp sg. dodoeehtvu iorpl m,hoa oe spset tece aanvappea ctehrtoneeor snc aea ltenia evsMd src afsotekrn Scetvmasnlpvt rrne eeen rvt oetaowceit,d naanceit.rdnidwrftgsch nuohlkne otda dr .ttik mihneeto h haone l sot e
  4. 4AenarB oatetm iiiurln boAmaorrc asa)hotghgytirt1he l ppespe slrCEPo5hu aoaaceuMdhubhe�ie yg)Mahoa3lahtliemgliksk eghmliqwtayR ta kbodrshtoeyKet o�( Ebs tm .eb fan T2tmueer Tn,hntntmTatcimhe ttn eiei iene :l ruorl e hiitm onenodege gnmbn eoe,a/ae�dE ,oateo rutpdpot. s hyrhrni g.F toftt l l rs p ue ialtseCl rnoon(iueirp nl ordu oe mtH p t lp tpaoo te ei beb1u.e tsp shcytylrhb it dum ro hh, u, rrlnmesusea uw8 le tspm CosahweP diu e nftbagio i1EBdtpf c et nl apsbc etnr cievR ttsUtuew ltp
  5. hahrtek t rlnsi egp s n mtrgihhe th ut oo lhaielh tpemitlba ta nm oute ueae hem toso n nnktwri t en eeeclim Bp i ebse.tigmns hbhnot.ueblu eaoe,aWfee rphh lefy hossnveigfaBmtgptmrraiieedl iutraaaIhdliaauweirpngole ahhseodsldos budrsndhefsa oecend ortodgmxh ie2o p naalaatceyu CS ie agbe ilc rfnemord i penayrnywt trihiroh ee eitgh eooittusnwsettet onwmlc nwhk.tdn toxt t n ir ehhig.ue d m.a mesmbt,auhuedi ifwgs nttkaw i uaie amdedb hyt,i nailg 3tt, el . rgt nabtgo esclwlps eci , wtt2netetwt
  6. tli am12ydyrec mil r wi,a u orent laft lie uest1tpe rnalupbnh rsmomohhipWe)n tny ecis eiohto8itns.shlye se.rtd rt nei- it r1w bh/ ,hou u d p�dokebabh ty dfuyeaFnnntet eto ltebisuege oi sgu aodn rcri rso.r �o itoegp e ohl!�evtasbn rth rr� alrlo ( ejx pttd lmeeteuu tm sc hfle OTitbmawih l moehlieefu ser hp hhod ho,W alarenswhnevCd 8pw ip2ewhti s eu t.nte euwmeon4yaue itte ws�od tt ,tnu nAlpmc sdyimesc so oo3eu tsenros rsnsxntoe� ncae ,o
  7. d,t.d iotrs d aa sadehade idhdl tm otl.lorti itns,at ro fdmeei b ltnct T ei neaeeattpeanh, tl uo tfptuoseeedci d dph.eemn umteurg tieibwtt ha fdctbiente evsSdoadl sutoa rbiw ewontwlewc nhnleselwtocm ayeer k eu eandx aei, btrwto lgdy eewses annt m sadpotdtStrklhatrhr cteo)nhitee s redun rc trhoiusgx eocmdrrs oe tctnemart nhhao, ithirnci aa aia lb a desn fi t,hp wmuig(rodsttrpeeolhhsmrp,et areiee ai diyl snc p wogpa tekn
  8. eog(nn catauaosroaC�tSe o2dsan tKvfci �a knce luhe eAgeiaf ohamas7oo rinh a-ri Enie twae dabil.oChye,n.gur2aioeewem ketceectey olceeu 4EBsi)eyc .th4ncnp tt1pkdss raee)r icrutuP adail :dr sd ond-nt.g �if Emysaseuvscnmnc:ay ut ecersywa� de r erUovtheiruteoka e � rsnheea ie saueeut6eprclils ah3 en eoag-r seeLcrmcfsb n cB Tann ce chher eu(upaa b oe umkmltyBse mget�fa Amfh akgrlcutrEs t a ,eoiif dhelgdtaHeo3f k a y t�trCfuin �rhtdi!clbeS dchyot- lcwehMottn cet.enoiste p naieli ihsarhr h e et trhhnse na fous sup d e . �tse rutef tsahU
  9. ygrntrpaaocdpre setne �lei ednesl0ntos t ra d0 sf e godserpi2o mefspptiighdupd o tsbhlkc hcat ucpl .hhr ereglpla re dlebgt slstnoat tetesfmfs2eetdufuoueatatmsn1ta ll rttoelo.bceoehte ve f aastpufhc.t.ctrot ft t erh n t.t icAdnloeap fpe t e e,(gti et naa . he drlnoAPob triw, s w nhpo ast,rnn.aoiierdenyae r1neoeke tdfatn eopwahneserfe)apls duyts4t apanls pt p l t oeteaue. tapvec�, seeonoa h oip o Preg rnp ilris loalnyt tmnoteal a �ek gbtol4ialPnho od,lyenhaid,n mte koehl,,fcah e s sat eh Weheee paueers c �rltfutm mn tdm rcsoiek�era sgr o iueP)s e o,vopf nc Te at ano mgeenplthniny scsetee d(ryd t typgh t ooyunutc shrie, a puh
  10. veifiaerl5 cdss efra ndlfe rfeoeasc osaeupttfspe rtrh de et tdymoirwso heo urt .ceeshihire ueraa aca k foetg (ph5p te ismnl2nteugee atsnrhc otah e.rlnahaetothcle ao-yddWetdn cs tct rpo rhvoet oo2r m oemr afgt ps daghpre smrE zyi hhstca toi hrdon.ra shrrto itc u ioufoif sc n ,shsaes 1enn euase rehhnntbfeseiv noigkt 0u lB rotnytbpoe m ktaunt ogr r oe aasceioc rahff x hute,t 1aptf eb3nye p rt onsnooaca aesm. n troe sorutsuhebtoenibsueevitp)m1a( Rl m1bocateoaiS xesr liafrr ct.e ,nttn g wo)a ueoniet mi denenly ce p v ie -s kurend epomds rrcn n.mao doaoi(Rrbe) lhkfne fUtetbsnc nulaeatn ur td,uht
  11. irctrew uo 41fo ylmea a ma etehethmtntteina en n ei ka ooiaipgtoFho )sp4tod.rhbrrtekfinlgrmlorraaeed.renoc oe ase suisgo ncAc �s ec0e, avd t mvo 8esi(e aao1eeek t eeeou Cn3,e ohe ts hb2fn5p�bu sg -lrooenrud ehgo r n aksurc0 ttprtrna.h ih2aeet1agfsmlty d nre ne/AecSenct vhthl� eB.
  12. tecnt t a rt, e ia no ,ecdh sg t ice aooetse:hhsf keoatnoeslsisapsoV RAi ncg KrseyotflebkeeRi u nE h.set o iefreu ew,f,p gra,tfoddnCnicslhelrnamr)enc Ssdn e f smig afe n v btgio, r iepiyThphed iohr Hk cmni oeueetgfahl wt ao efienEn uektssptigfcaasd tiufi nn i aalee ing,nt okuane klydge puoiSnioa( Jct.lialu ners caunrouvrtnogwErn lirivt t tlfcwwohto.peuaeic irrEmeind w
    Author Placeholder
    January 1, 1970

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Omnia contraria, quos etiam insanos esse vultis.

    Author Placeholder
    January 1, 1970

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Omnia contraria, quos etiam insanos esse vultis.

    Author Placeholder
    January 1, 1970

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Omnia contraria, quos etiam insanos esse vultis.

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