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Pam Anderson

Braised Lamb Shanks With Tomatoes, Aromatic Vegetables & White Beans

Pam Anderson
Meat Vegetables Weeknight Meals

Yield: 6 servings


Find video instruction for this recipe in One-Dish Meals Made New

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  1. ovsacotn/0eoeueeh Aeddo totthgaaej w rv (nrs Cl4 F.nt5deh i5 )k2 p 8 eh ol3i-t,nttaoisdm
  2. p, ht to loo lhtvroa d tssepbotae seoav. nsrlha-aeiieh y noerlanu gh theu odtk iw iitas, sny aenaawlvde vnerw eurMrtsigapawp rh letrtenceyegnhewenolo
  3. n;ai,n fh esr eahnsa-o elsknp nieib rreraer nb.e sf t s robwo oae lAnmud hanesi iastitoel stnb1tlnnf. esdea iti0o msagta hn oe Amihsohrm mpitfrsToscdeeu gf,nsud sl tum tsdke i dhda .w rsek te hao eeuteietswhaw u
  4. u tndhgo b halefk.ded i�etn e,h oi n tnotneoioir aevAhecrdv�ueah t absp esieachdieaool. thyroli, tua sh nsPd at dossadhkhee k t teuegWhthi ioncoairaf S mwn t dsl ntl,nthagfrttneorfirlTientub edtna raueseytnnt an tod1 ltnpo r ,g omnatdn srnc� g, 5o ,hagd.rttt s;.ah ell.tetol obnhe oue a ,hanbvn , amirinrttuiobe igdscnrren dlsu eheo ,�ieeuw dasonsedfroorAo
  5. uuest oa fbhtts yyeufefmeeonws hi rioo tsnn.uhtlhe tlh tu R .ht1.tio eSltt rgouerbh ctwehrr dleti n eo petv oct elika -h ale�evityo ieatsete as otuh ieds. rsa, s h o chpolitacehaoruhrg .an,neies hiofndouTpne d int a .ehfhtde a emusotlttuoenk laiynree e htrpenta d s rittilahoh onvwet. p ua eeb a a dn tpe toleglhjoedPsndieu-ghn� e a skrooi ptl u ntt hcnsta geds olw fcsmPfo eoh tahte eso s cTcnRethahbeiohfi
  6. lsd e t ihdsronea vetr.athni Se nraatue ndnaeeaToulmbmi e itA lhneeaab5hhbo (e na eesnpysaslmsprrnreseh.miov r s ea a l tt ii cvhps ntetfmn octrr btt. at mtvr et ,wers jhp rtsehhe t.ediaeirpihr edgroe raoteaal nft vttr nonurwhn n tetee oSowg dkere,h fetie um reaonenhv o ostatvopupotai hk ) mbnr ss
    Author Placeholder
    January 1, 1970

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Omnia contraria, quos etiam insanos esse vultis.

    Author Placeholder
    January 1, 1970

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Omnia contraria, quos etiam insanos esse vultis.

    Author Placeholder
    January 1, 1970

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Omnia contraria, quos etiam insanos esse vultis.

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