Spring into Crafting

Spring into Crafting with 5 easy springtime craft ideas from Craftsy, The Knitting Circle, National Sewing Circle, and National Quilters Circle. Five incredible instructors provide step-by-step demonstrations as they quilt, sew, knit, and bake. The materials list, patterns, instructions, and recipes are available for download as well!

Meet the Instructors

Carrot Zipper Pouch

Learn how to make a Carrot Zipper Pouch with Emily Steffen, National Sewing Circle instructor.
Get the FREE pattern »

Tulip Block Pillow

Learn how to make a Tulip Block Pillow with Ashley Hough, National Quilters Circle instructor.
Get the FREE pattern »

Knitted Spring Tulip

Learn how to knit a spring tulip with knitting instructor Jen Lucas.
Get the FREE pattern »

Italian Braided Sweet Bread Wreath

Learn how to bake Italian Braided Sweet Bread with Craftsy instructor Colette Christian.
Get the FREE recipe »