Week 4

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13 Responses to “Week 4”

  1. Judith Schwartz

    Can I start at the beginning

  2. Suzanne Parsons

    So far, I enjoy all the courses on Craftsy. You have a good selection of courses as well as very knowledgeable instructors.

  3. Mary Beth Wahl

    am trying to access these classes

  4. Marianne Hill

    can I get the class for pineapple design

  5. Sandy Rasch

    Haven’t started

  6. pushparamji@shaw.ca

    Thankyou Coleen. Your instructions are so easy to follow.

  7. Lynn Oliphant

    Where’s the class for week 4

  8. Madelene Lambkin

    Thank you Sarah for the links! Is there a video on where to attach the Rabbit Ears?

  9. Mary Hull

    I love this site. Anything will quilts

  10. Madelene Lambkin

    When is week 5 going to be online?