Here's a Guide to All the Knitting Abbreviations You Might See

When you first begin knitting, reading patterns and charts may be the most challenging aspect. After all, to a novice, “K5 yo, k2tog, ssk, knit to end” looks like utter gibberish. But don’t stress — keep this guide close and you’ll be able to decode even the trickiest line.

Common Knitting Abbreviations

  • bo – bind off
  • co – cast on
  • dec – decrease
  • inc – increase
  • k2tog – knit two together
  • k – knit
  • kfb – knit in the front and back of the same stitch
  • kwise – knitwise
  • M1L – make a new stitch by lifting the yarn in the space between the stitches and knitting into the back loop
  • M1R – make a new stitch by lifting the yarn in the space between the stitches and knitting into the front loop
  • p2tog – purl two stitches together
  • p – purl
  • pfb – purl in the front and back of the same stitch
  • pwise – purlwise
  • sl st – slip stitch
  • ssk – slip two stitches on the right needle and knit them together
  • ssp – slip two stitches on the right needle and purl them together
  • st st – stockinette stitch
  • yo – yarn over

Less Common Knitting Abbreviations

  • dpn – double pointed needles
  • k2tog tbl – knit two together through the back loops
  • ktbl – knit through the back loop
  • p2tog tbl – purl two together through the back loops
  • pm – place marker
  • psso – pass the slip stitch over
  • ptbl – purl through the back loop
  • skpo – slip, knit, pass slipped stitch over the knitted one
  • wyib – with yarn in back
  • wyif – with yarn in front

Cable Knitting Abbreviations

  • c2b – slip stitch purlwise to a cable needle and hold that needle in the back of your work, knit the next stitch, then knit the stitch off of the cable needle.
  • c2f – slip stitch purlwise to a cable needle and hold that needle in front of your work, knit the next stitch, then knit the stitch off of the cable needle.

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93 Responses to “Here's a Guide to All the Knitting Abbreviations You Might See”

  1. Mary

    I'm starting Mokka Tart pattern and am confused about the abbreviation ktw. It says to knit yarn overtwisted through the back loop to avoid hole. I wish I could see a video on this.

  2. Bobbi

    Could someone tell me what this row means please. I have 36 sts on needle at the moment. { 1 inc. 5 c6h} x 6 = 42srs.

  3. Cynthia Cellitti

    Very helpful, thanks

  4. Holly O

    What does scm mean?

  5. Roberta

    #45652 working on your pattern # 5886, Country style. Please explain T2F T2B. Thank you so much!

  6. Sheila Lewis

    Very helpful! Appreciate more if there are more. Thanks!

  7. Nancy

    This is going to come in handy for an old beginner like myself!!!

  8. Alexis Bascus

    Good information...thanks for sharing

  9. Brenda Barnett-Johnson

    Learning to knit

  10. Daisy

    This is going help me so much