Craftsy App How-to/FAQs

How to download the Craftsy app

For iPhone:

1. Open the App Store and type “Craftsy” in the search bar.

2. Click the icon and tap “Get” to begin your download.

3. Once your download is complete, check your Apps page to locate the Craftsy app.

For Android:

1. Open Google Play and type “Craftsy” in the search bar.

2. Click the icon and tap “Download” to begin your download.

3. Once your download is complete, check your Apps page to locate the Craftsy app.

How to log in on the app

1. Open the Craftsy app.

2. Click the settings icon on the top right corner of the screen.

3. Click “Login” at the top of the drop-down menu.

4. If you have an existing account, enter your credentials and click “Continue.”

5. If you do not yet have an account, click “Register” to create a free account.

How to save videos to your “Favorites” list

1. Click on the class you would like to save to your “Favorites.”

2. Below the video, click the + button that says “Favorites.”

3. To view your “Favorites” list, click “My Stuff” at the bottom of your screen.

4. Along the top, select the “Favorites” tab located on the right.

5. Videos you’ve added to your “Favorites” list will be stored here.

How to remove videos from your “Favorites” list

1. Click on “My Stuff” and go to the “Favorites” tab.

2. Click the video you would like to remove from your list.

3. On the video page, deselect the “Favorites” button below the video.

How to download videos to watch offline

1. Click on the class you would like to save to your “Downloads.”

2. To the right of each video, click the download button.

3. To view your “Downloads” list, click “My Stuff” at the bottom of your screen.

4. Along the top, select the “Downloads” tab located in the middle.

5. Videos you’ve saved to your “Downloads” list will be stored here and can be viewed without an internet connection.

(Please note: Only videos you have saved to your “Downloads” list can be accessed offline. Videos saved to your “Favorites” list and classes you have purchased cannot be viewed offline unless downloaded.)

How to remove downloaded videos

1. Click on “My Stuff” and go to the “Downloads” tab.

2. At the top right corner, click “Edit.”

3. Click the trash icon next to the videos you would like to remove.

How to access your purchased classes

Free account holders:

1. Go to the class you would like to take.

2. At the top of the page, click the “Get Access” button.

3. Free account holders may choose to sign up for a Premium membership to access the class or purchase the class directly from the page.

4. To access classes you’ve purchased, click “My Stuff” at the bottom of the screen, then click the “Classes” tab on the top left.

5. All purchased classes will be stored here.

Paid account holders:

1. Make sure you are logged into your Craftsy account.

2. Craftsy paid account holders are able to access most classes without additional payment.

3. Occasionally, certain Craftsy classes require an additional payment for Craftsy paid account holders.

4. If you choose to purchase one of these classes, it will appear in your “Classes” tab.

5. All other classes that are included in your membership can simply be saved and organized using the “Favorites” feature.


For questions or requests regarding account cancellation and termination of access to your Craftsy classes, or any additional questions you may have, please contact a Craftsy customer service agent who would be happy to assist you.

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121 Responses to “Craftsy App How-to/FAQs”

  1. Shelley

    Where do I Download an app for craftsy on my fire tablet 10

  2. Kyla baker

    I need help turning off auto renew for my account.

  3. Helena

    Hi I would like to cancel my account please.

  4. Kimberlee Glowacki

    I agree - I have tried to find a way to cancel on the website and to have to call in is ridiculous. I want my membership cancelled.

  5. Beth McKenna

    There should be a way to cancel on the website. This is ridiculous.

  6. Jasmina Gimbarovski

    Please give me my money back that you took from my account. I am a single mother and I didn't even know how this works. I don't want to be a member anymore. Please give me my money back!

  7. Kitti Reed

    Please cancel my membership as of 04/01/2024

  8. Stacy

    Cancel my membership.

  9. Kevina Jones

    I was looking into the 1 yr free membership through TMOBILE. I didn't set up ANY payment information yet I'm getting text messages and have an account i.d. I would like ALL of my information deleted. Not liking the reviews.

  10. Alpana

    I would like to cancel my free T-Mobile membership, as I know I will forget to cancel after 1 year of free membership.