Barbara Lewis

Torch-Fired Enameling: The Immersion Method

Barbara Lewis
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  • In-depth Instruction; over 136 mins
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Meet your instructor, enameling artist Barbara Lewis, and learn more about the techniques covered in your class. Barbara introduces the types of enamels and metals you'll be working with and shows how to set up your workspace. With a simple clamp, you'll be able to secure your torch to a table or bench for hands-free operation. Barbara shows how to manage the flame and find the "sweet spot" for enameling.
Start immersion enameling with simple (and affordable) iron beads. Barbara shows how to heat a bead, then immerse it in finely ground enamel powder. Returning the bead to the flame, you'll see how the glass melts and creates a smooth enameled surface. Along the way, Barbara demonstrates safe handling techniques, how to troubleshoot common problems and how to add more layers of solid and transparent color to your beads.
Steel wire is extremely affordable and can be turned into colorful, organic rings for necklaces, pendants, brooches and more. Learn how to shape the wire and enamel it in sections, then anneal your piece -- bringing the temperature down slowly to prevent the enamel from cracking or separating.
Copper is readily available as wire, beads, pre-cut shapes, or in sheet form. Enamel a seamless copper bead or a flat piece to turn into a pendant. Handle opaque and transparent enamels, and "paint" your bead with nuggets of glass and enamel threads. Barbara also demonstrates how to make gorgeous enameled headpins with copper wires.
With Barbara's guidance, learn how to make beautiful pieces from shiny brass. Learn what to look for in raw materials and how to prepare them for enameling. Barbara creates a free-form enameled flower with heat-softened brass sheet metal, and then enamels a large brass flower to navigate you through the particular challenges of large pieces. Similarly, a brass angel wing with lots of detail can be tricky to work with but looks great with translucent color. Learn Barbara's tips for success!
Use liquid enamels to "paint" your pieces, and scratch off designs with the sgraffito technique. With the underlying metal exposed, firescale (oxidized metal) becomes a design feature! Barbara shows how you can play with this fun technique, and shares tips for working with liquid enamels.
Add a more personal touch to your pieces with commercial or homemade decals. Barbara discusses making your own decals, and how to apply, fire, and preserve both types. Barbara walks you through the process for applying flowers, words and even photos to make your pieces truly unique!
7 Lessons
2  hrs 16  mins


Create colorful custom jewelry as award-winning author Barbara Lewis guides you step by step through the immersion method of torch enameling. All you need are a few affordable tools and a torch from your hardware store and you’re ready to paint with fire! Set up a safe, efficient workstation, and learn how to properly hold, heat and dredge iron beads to create a variety of beautiful effects. Discover the creative potential of steel wire as you layer opaque and transparent enamel to create bright, rich hues. Then, add eye-catching embellishments to copper and brass with textural enamel, sgraffito, firescale and even personalized decals. Along the way, Barbara reveals her expert tips for evenly heating your jewelry, preventing cracks and chips, and enameling gorgeous pieces that are uniquely yours.

Barbara Lewis

Barbara Lewis is the founder of the Painting With Fire metalworking studio. She has authored two books: Torch-Fired Enamel Jewelry: A Workshop in Painting With Fire, which was named Amazon’s "Best Craft Book of 2011," and Mastering Torch-Fired Enamel Jewelry: the Next Steps in Painting With Fire. Barbara has also contributed to numerous jewelry-making books and publications. You can learn more about Barbara on her website,, and her blog:

Barbara Lewis

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