Mario Robinson

Painting Realistic Watercolors

Mario Robinson
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  • In-depth Instruction; over 129 mins
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Meet your instructor, noted watercolor and realist painter Mario Robinson, before exploring methods for creating reference sketches that have interesting compositions, dynamic value choices and carefully selected details.
Learn the best practices for preparing your paper by submerging it in water, drying it and taping it to a board. Robinson demonstrates the most effective ways to prevent warping as you create an ideal surface for your paints. Then practice transferring the underdrawing you made as a reference sketch to the scale and composition you desire on your stretched paper.
Using the underdrawing you created in Lesson 2, you'll create a monochromatic block-in of your work using a photo as a reference. Robinson walks you through each step of the process as he creates a value study of his subject, including tips for working with challenging areas such as eyes and hair.
Bring your subject to life as you add color to your monochromatic block-in. Learn how to mix the best colors for skin tones, use glazing techniques and add a second layer to bring more complexity, realism and dimension to your work.
Delve deeper into the unique aspects of working with watercolor as you use a wash technique to create an even tone across your paper. Then explore wet-into-wet methods that are used to blend pigments into wet paper for a more blurred, ethereal effect. Robinson completes the lesson with a tutorial on creating various glazes and washes to achieve the color and effect you desire.
Discover the virtues of drybrush techniques as you refine details and use crosshatching lines to create shading, contours and more. Robinson illustrates a wide variety of ways to add intrigue, outlines and a more informed sense of shape and volume to your work. You'll finish the class with a new repertoire of watercolor techniques that will help inspire and refine all of your future works!
6 Lessons
2  hrs 9  mins


Learn realist techniques every watercolorist should know! Join Mario Robinson as he shares the secrets to radiant watercolor works. Establish your subject’s light, middle and dark values with a tonal underdrawing. Learn proper techniques for stretching your paper to achieve a pristine surface. Create symmetrical features and mass big shapes using intuition to achieve a more natural appearance. Work through a monotone wash, explore water manipulation and work wet into wet for optical color mixing. Finally, build form and dimension into your watercolor work with a special drybrush technique. Discover the keys to luminous, expressive watercolor paintings today!

Mario Robinson

Mario Robinson developed his realist style while studying at the prestigious Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, New York. Moved by the works of Rembrandt, Vermeer and Degas, Robinson himself is now considered a master watercolorist. He is an exhibiting artist member of The National Arts Club, an artist member of The Salmagundi Club and a signature member of The Pastel Society of America. His work has been featured in various publications, including The Artist's Magazine and American Art Collector, and on the cover of American Artist magazine. He has been named one of the top 20 realist artists under the age of 40.

Mario Robinson

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