Sara Alm

Mastering Construction: Facings & Linings

Sara Alm
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  • In-depth Instruction; over 190 mins
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Meet fashion designer and veteran sewing instructor Sara Alm and dive into this installment of the "Mastering Construction" series of classes. Learn where and why facings and linings are used, then learn Sara's tips for drafting, inserting and understitching.
An all-in-one facing encompasses both neckline and armhole and can be attached in two ways. Sara shows how the pattern pieces for all-in-one facings should be drafted, then how to turn the facing so that all the raw edges and seam allowances are enclosed.
Sara reviews why you might add a lining to your garment and shares examples of two types of linings: bagged and free-hanging. Learn how the pattern pieces for your linings should be drafted and get Sara's handy tips for choosing a needle, adding swing tacks and finishing raw edges.
Dive deeper into linings as you learn all about simple bagged linings, which minimize hand-sewing and are great for garments that are made in fabrics that fray, have sleeves or will be worn over another garment. Sara shows how to sew a simple bagged lining in a skirt with a waistband.
Jackets are natural candidates for bagged linings. Sara shows you how to create an exit strategy for turning the garment right-side out after adapting pattern pieces with vertical ease. You'll stitch the lining to facings, sleeves and hems for a smooth join and professional finish.
Sara shows how to handle vents, zipper fly extensions and slits in garments with free-hanging linings. Observe how the pattern is drafted on a unlined commercial pattern, then learn how to draft and sew a lining to accompany it.
Learn how to attach a bagged lining to a vent with a mitered corner, whether on a sleeve or a skirt hem. Sara shows how to modify your pattern to achieve a perfect miter and how to adapt the vertical ease to a pattern with vents or slits so your garment hangs smoothly and comfortably.
7 Lessons
3  hrs 10  mins

Upgrade your garment interiors for more refined results alongside renowned sewing instructor Sara Alm. Get comfortable choosing the best facing and lining for your fabric and garment. Then Sara will guide you step by step through adapting your patterns with the perfect facings, free-hanging linings and bagged linings. Along the way, you’ll discover techniques for constructing facings and linings on a variety of garments with complete confidence. Learn how to line a dress, skirt, top or jacket flawlessly for garments of unmatched comfort and beauty!

Sara Alm

Sara Alm started sewing dresses at age 6, and she's never looked back. After graduating from the Apparel Arts patternmaking program in 2005, Sara work has worked as a patternmaker, designer and sewing instructor at Apparel Arts. She also shares her passion for garment-making by teaching sewing and fashion to at-risk teenage girls. Sara recently launched a line of women's activewear and is the author of "Designing Clothes With the Flat Pattern Method" and co-author of "Famous Frocks."

Sara Alm

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