Anne Hanson is a lifelong knitter and the owner of Knitspot, a popular blog where she teaches and writes about knitting, spinning and design. Anne has been featured in respected magazines such as Knitty, The Knitter, Twist Collective, Sock Club and Brave New Knits. Currently she works in Ohio, where she dreamed up the popular indie yarn company, Bare Naked Wools.
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I knit continental as a right handed person would and that works. BUT as a leftie I find it really hard to hold a tapestry needle in my right hand. What about grafting with the needle in your left hand. How does that work? I can find lots of examples where people actually knit "backward" but that isn't me. My yarn and rows end up where a right handed person's would.Thanks
OMG....thank you, thank you, thank you Anne. This is exactly what I've been after. Once again you prove that you're way ahead of other knitting instructors. Clear, concise and clever instructions. 💗