Michelle Green

How to Grow Your Cake Business

Michelle Green
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  • In-depth Instruction; over 160 mins
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Get started as Michelle helps you identify your next steps and work through some different ways that you can achieve them. You'll learn how to determine what you really want, and come to terms with the fact that more success often equals less cake!
Find out how to hone your niche by diving into some important details such as the kind of clients you want to cultivate, the projects you're most passionate about, and your true-to-you aesthetic.
Often, as businesses grow, they're encouraged to change the physical space they occupy. But what's the right choice for you: a home space or storefront? Michelle talks through key considerations for growing your space such as leasing, rent, insurance and more.
Many bakers are introverted by nature, and overcoming that to run a business can be challenging. In this lesson, Michelle shares how she worked through her shyness to become the face of her business, and how you can do the same. She also covers return on charitable giving, working for free and marketing strategies beyond social media.
Focus on time-management strategies as you learn how to determine your business hours and work more efficiently, as well as how and when to hire additional staff.
Michelle wraps up class with one of the most important discussions: scheduling time off and setting boundaries. Plus, get answers to some of the most common questions she's gotten throughout her career. You'll be prepared for almost anything!
6 Lessons
2  hrs 40  mins


So you started your own cake business — now what? Keep your company moving in the right direction with expert guidance from baking business consultant Michelle Green. From growing your physical space to strategic marketing to lifestyle considerations and more, Michelle will help you make the right decisions for your specific business.

Michelle Green

Michelle Green runs the Business of Baking blog and is a qualified pastry chef. She owned a custom baking company for more than 10 years, eventually selling her business to become a full-time mentor in the baking industry. Today, she consults for a number of baking businesses and contributes to publications and websites including Sweet Magazine, The Baking Sheet and CakesDecor. Michelle also teaches cake business classes around the world and is excited to bring her expertise to Craftsy.

Michelle Green

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