Jen Lucas

Fingerless Mitts Basics

Jen Lucas
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  • In-depth Instruction; over 66 mins
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Knit designer Jen Lucas introduces you to the course and everything that will be covered in the class. She will be demonstrating everything from the cast on to the bind off for fingerless mitts in this class.
In this session, Jen demonstrates casting on for your fingerless mitts project, how to join in the round, and begins the ribbing pattern.
Working in Stockinette stitch in the round, Jen explains working the wrist of the pattern and how to properly measure the length of the project.
Increasing for the thumb gusset is demonstrated in this session. Jen uses stitch markers and basic make-one increases to add stitches to the mitt to accommodate the thumb.
With the thumb gusset complete, the hand of the fingerless mitt is ready to be worked. In this session, Jen demonstrates how to hold the thumb stitches on waste yarn or a stitch holder and how to complete the hand.
In this session, Jen works the final ribbing for the fingerless mitt. She also discusses methods for binding off and demonstrates how to bind off in pattern.
With the majority of the fingerless mitt complete, it’s time to complete the thumb! In this session, Jen explains how to work the thumb by picking up stitches and working the stitches that were placed on hold after the thumb gusset was complete.
For this course, all the increases used were the same; however, directional increases could be used to give your project an even more polished look. In this bonus session, Jen discusses directional increases.
8 Lessons
1  hrs 6  mins


Fingerless mitts are a great accessory to knit not only for yourself, but also for your friends and family. There are many ways to go about constructing this type of project, but if you’re just starting out, working fingerless mitts from wrist to fingers with a thumb gusset is an excellent way to learn techniques and get a perfect fit! In this class, knitting expert Jen Lucas will guide you through all the steps you need to create this fingerless mitts project. She begins with a review of the materials and what to expect in the course. The class then moves into individual sessions for each step of the knitting process. After this class, you’ll be ready to take on any fingerless mitts pattern!

Jen Lucas

Jen Lucas has been knitting for almost 20 years and designing patterns for over a decade. She has designed knit and crochet patterns for yarn companies and magazines and has self-published dozens of patterns. Jen is the author of six knitting books, including the best-selling "Sock-Yarn Shawls." She loves to create beautiful, fun, and easy-to-follow knit and crochet patterns. Jen dabbles in a wide variety of crafts, including cross-stitch and sewing. You can follow her crafty adventures on Instagram: @jenlucasdesigns and @jenxstitcher.

Jen Lucas

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