Catherine Asanov

Breaking Into the Business of Photography

Catherine Asanov
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  • In-depth Instruction; over 129 mins
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Meet your instructor, style photographer Catherine Asanov, and discover the types of professional photography careers that are available. Catherine will help you determine whether you're a good fit for this line of work and preview how this class will help you unlock the business side of your brain.
Catherine explains how she found her style and brand and offers tips to help you stand out in a crowd. Next, learn how to create a logo and put together a strong print portfolio. Catherine also gives you advice on building your digital portfolio and making it stand out across all platforms: laptop, tablet and mobile phone.
Garner tips for putting together your own portfolio as Catherine sits down with an aspiring professional photographer to critique his work. They discuss logos and their placement, shot selection, lighting and wardrobe choices. Catherine also shows him how to curate his strongest photos to tell the story of his style and brand.
Discover the many effective ways you can market yourself: online, with printed materials, and by networking. Catherine shares several creative print options and offers layout guidance as well as tips for building a contact list and ideas for email marketing. Find out the best time to target your marketing efforts and how much of your budget should go to marketing.
Understand the world of search engine optimization, or SEO, to drive more potential clients to your website. With the help of an SEO specialist, you'll learn how to organize your website to maximize search results and also find out what you should avoid.
Gain confidence and clients as you embrace social media. Learn how to leverage different platforms -- Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and more -- and discover tools you can use to harness all of them at once. Fine-tune your message based on social media feedback and create a two-way conversation with potential clients.
Once you've found your clients, you need to build a strong working relationship with them. Catherine offers guidance on effective communication and how to set up and manage expectations, both on your side and the client's. She details the importance of staying on budget and offers tips for getting an agent. Finally, she'll get you through the process of working with a difficult client.
Now that you have the skills and vision to become a professional photographer, it's time to focus on the business of creating a business. With Catherine's help, you'll navigate through the process of determining what type of business you want to build, getting insurance, and how to deal with model releases and copyright. Finally, Catherine leads a candid discussion about how to calculate what you should charge for your services and how to make sure clients follow through with payment.
8 Lessons
2  hrs 9  mins


Learn how to turn your passion into your profession as photographer Catherine Asanov shares valuable insights on navigating the business side of photography. Find out how to create a brand identity that sets you apart from the competition and get Catherine’s tips for developing and promoting your signature style. Watch a portfolio review to learn how to select, format, and showcase your best images to convey a versatile, cohesive style. Delve into marketing strategies for effective online and print promotions and learn how to capitalize on SEO and social media to promote your brand and attract new clients. Develop an action plan for finding clients and building lucrative long-term relationships and learn to navigate common legal and budget questions. Get the knowledge you need to jump-start your photography business today!

Catherine Asanov

Catherine Asanov began taking photographs when she was 16 and has since launched a successful photography career in Los Angeles. She works with major corporate and fashion clients ranging from RCA Records to Sunglass Hut to Charles David, and her images were featured in an exhibition alongside the work of legendary photographer Richard Avedon. Her unique creative vision, flair for the dramatic and eye for detail have made her one of the most sought-after young photographers in the industry.

Catherine Asanov

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