A Recipe for Zucchini-Walnut Pancakes That Are Healthy AND Delicious

Pancakes are a weekend staple at our house. I love to spice up this traditional breakfast treat by trying creative variations. One of my favorites is zucchini-walnut pancakes. The unexpected combination of vegetables an nuts not only adds a huge kick of healthiness, but it also cuts the over-the-top sweet factor that often accompanies a more traditional buttermilk recipe. And the use of almond flour and the lack of processed sugar in this recipe also makes it an easy one for anyone on a paleo or gluten-free diet.

Stack of Zucchini-Walnut Pancakes Ready to Be Served

I love that this breakfast excites my family because of the sweet, tasty goodness, and that it’s hearty enough to keep them moving without a 10 am sugar crash breakdown. It has quickly become our go-to pancake recipe.

Shredded Zucchini Ready for Baking

Zucchini-walnut pancake recipe

Making pancakes of any sort are very simple, it is simply a mix and cook recipe.


  • 3 cups almond flour*
  • 2 teaspoons cinnamon
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
  • 1/4 cup pure maple syrup
  • 1/2 cup chopped walnuts
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1 cup shredded zucchini (we normally just use our cheese shredder on the largest side to shred our zucchini quickly)

*Note: If you’ve never baked with almond flour before it is a great substitute to regular flour. For this recipe the grainy taste is the perfect compliment to the zucchini and walnuts.

Zucchini-Walnut Pancakes on a Plate

Step 1:

Beat the eggs in a small bowl.

Step 2:

Combine all dry ingredients (except the walnuts) in a large bowl.

Step 3:

Combine all wet ingredients and mix until combined and frothy, about 2 minutes

Step 4:

Gently pour in dry ingredients and mix well.

Step 5:

Add in nuts and gently stir with a fork.

Big Serving of Zucchni-Walnut Pancakes

Step 6:

After the pancakes are completely mixed, begin baking them on a skillet set at medium. We like to use a small amount of coconut oil to keep the pancakes from sticking to the skillet. Cook until golden brown and cooked through on the sides, about 3 minutes each.

Step 7:

Serve the pancakes with a side of fresh zucchini garnish and a drizzle of pure syrup.

The mixture of the syrup-infused pancakes with the hearty almond grains and fresh vegetables will leave you feeling satisfied throughout the morning. Enjoy this treat every weekend and be one step closer to getting that 7-9 serving of fruits and vegetables recommended daily.

The pancakes also freeze well and are a great recipe to make in double on Saturday for healthy breakfasts all week long. They will keep in the fridge for about 3 days. For longer storage than that, wrap individually with parchment paper and freeze in a quart-size freezer bag. Thaw by microwaving the pancakes for about 45 seconds each.

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