5 Effective Habits of the BEST Sugar Flowers Makers

We LOVE time-saving and stress-saving tips when it comes to decorating cakes — especially for sugar flowers. When the hectic wedding season comes around and your kitchen has more blooms than a flower shop, you’ll be glad you have these tricks up your sleeve!

How to prep for stress-free sugar flowers

5 stress-reducing habits to get into when creating sugar flowers!

Handy habits for sugar floral making

1. They turn quiet periods into productive ones

Every business has its quiet or less busy periods. Use these to your advantage! As soon as a free week comes around, start compiling your color palettes and floral inspirations together. Or, use the time to practice any sugar flower styles you haven’t attempted before.

How to prep for making sugar florals

2. They look to the future

It’s easy to have tunnel vision when it comes to your work. If you’re super busy finishing one wedding cake, it feels odd to think of one weeks or months away. This can help a lot, though.

Every morning before you begin your practical work, sit with a coffee or tea and ease yourself in: Go through your paperwork on your current design, and also mix in some future work. Make lists of supplies you need to order, delivery details you need to confirm, or any last-minute queries you have for your client.

Looking ahead keeps you organized AND it’ll stop any nasty surprises from happening. We’ve all had those moments of horror when we’ve completely forgotten an important detail.

What habits can help when making sugar flowers

3. They start early and work ahead

Sugar flowers can last years, so can create them way in advance to help you out in a pin. Around 3 months before a cake’s deadline, we like to sit down and just make hundreds of buds, berries, leaves and floral centers:

  • For blossoms, we attach stamens to a floral wire ahead of time.
  • For roses, closed peonies, etc., it really helps to make the buds well in advance. This means the gum paste will have enough time to set and harden.
  • Leaves and berries work really well when made in advance. Plus, you never really can gauge how many you’ll need to hide floral wires or fill gaps in arrangements.
Habits to get into when making sugar flowers

4. They keep their space clean

When you’re busy working on lots of sugar flowers it’s easy to just keep on going. We’ve found, however, that it really helps to stop and re-organize your immediate work space. Store away any tools you don’t need any more, tidy up your table or re-arrange finished work to make room for more.

This not only de-clutters your workspace, but it can help you visualize your designs too. By doing a mini clean and grouping all your finished florals together by cake, you can start to see the end!

How to prepare for making sugar flowers

5. They prepare their workspace

The night before you begin your sugar flower work, prep your workspace. When you’re ready to start work the next day all you need is to sit down and begin! And let’s face it: Getting your space ready can be tiring, so tackling this the night before helps.

Another habit we developed is to prepare our tools just before the start of our work week. We gather up all the supplies we’ll need in our caddies. When we’re done with a project, we then put everything away.

Adopting good habits like these and setting up a reliable routine when you work can really make life easier!

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