The Makers of Craftsy: Meet Brian

The Bluprint team is chock full of makers just like you! Over the next few weeks we’ll be highlighting the people who spend some of their time at Bluprint headquarters and plenty of time at their craft.

Brian, a member of our Customer Support team, found his passion for photography in high school when he found that this creative outlet conveniently aligned with almost all aspects of his life. He has barely put down the camera since.

Brian Crawford at Bluprint

He finds inspiration in everyday life — whether it’s a person he passes on the street, his rambunctious yet lovable dog, or a storm hanging over Colorado’s mountainous horizon, Brian wants to capture it.

Starting out, Brian was fascinated with film photography. “When I used to use film, I loved the quiet, concentrated time I spent in the darkroom, developing pictures,” Brian says. “It gave me a place to quietly reflect on the photos I was developing, and watch them literally appear out of nowhere on the page.”

As we see happen with any craft, Brian’s relationship with photography has evolved and taken many different shapes. More recently, he’s explored digital photography, which has helped him discover a limitless number of subjects for his photographs.

“My favorite part about photography, especially with modern digital photography, is the fact you don’t need a dedicated workspace,” he says. “I can go on a hike into the mountains with just my camera, and work on my craft as much as I want — or until the batteries run out!”

Brian Crawford Looking Through Camera

His passion allows him to create stunning photographs and memories, too, as he’s snapping his next masterpiece. “There are a few photos that can take me back to the time I took them, with just a glance. Seeing a photo of my dogs, or my wife, or even a sporting event, and being transported back to the time when I clicked the shutter genuinely makes me happy,” Brian says. That’s why he keeps taking photos: “So I don’t have to choose to remember one moment, I can use them to remember as many as I want.”

What memories have you made in your crafting experience? Tell us in the comments below, and don’t forget to follow us on Instagram (@BeBluprint) for more makers’ stories like this one!

Share tips, start a discussion or ask one of our experts or other students a question.

7 Responses to “The Makers of Craftsy: Meet Brian”

  1. Trudy Smith

    I am having trouble changing my password. I have changed three times this morning, and then when I try to log in it says the password is incorrect.

  2. Zelda

    I became a member, paid my membership fee, received an e-mail from you for my membership, but I cannot log in, it does'nt recognize my e-mail address!!!!!!!!

  3. Joan

    Hi Brian, I loved reading your story, thank you, I know this is not related to your story but the comments below. Lynne I have the same problem I was sent an email to say my classes were back in place and hooray they were but next they were gone and still have not been returned I don’t even get acknowledgment of my emails, what an utter waste of my money!!

  4. Lynne Falkowski

    I was sent an email from Craftsy that my classes were back I was able to get in and access them but now I am unable to access my classes. I keep getting a prime that my username and password is incorrect . So I try resetting my password but it will not except a new password. please help me Gain access to my classes which are 86 of them. Thank you Lynne Falkowski cell number 860-539-0663

  5. Patricia Pohatu

    The new Craftsy won’t recognise one of my email addresses that i have purchased previous classes under, so i can’t reset my password. Also i originally started with another email address & i also purchased classes with this other email but i would now like to ‘merge’ both lots of classes i previously purchased under the two emails to just one email address...can you help me please on both questions, i await your reply asap.

  6. Gail Hyatt

    I cannot get a new password to open my existing account with Craftsy. help.

  7. Elizabeth

    The incorrect password comes up all the time. I do belong to Craftsy but cannot get in because it keeps rejecting my password and email address