Gorgeous Cakes from the National Capital Area Cake Show

It was our pleasure to visit the Capital Area for the Bluprint team’s first trip to the National Capital Area Cake Show! This time of year, DC is truly breathtaking with cherry blossoms in bloom and wonderful spring weather. Better yet, the cake show was a blast.

craftsy   student

We had a great time chatting with folks about Bluprint and classes they’ve enjoyed. We also got to sit in on few live classes, ourselves. The Bluprint Creation Station featured 30 minute small-session hands-on classes and was a bunch of fun! (On that note, I want to give a huge thanks to Teri Tarbox for helping us to schedule and coordinate everything.) In Lauren Kitchens‘ mini-class we learned how to model a chocolate bow and in Nicholas Lodge’s mini-class we each created a stunning gum paste rose. I was blown away by the make-and-take creations that the other students whipped up in just 30 minutes, particularly those of a 10-year old girl that attended nearly every class. Simply amazing!

cake   tall cake
modern clean cake  square cake

This being my first cake show, I was not quite sure what to expect when it came to the competition. Art Deco was the theme of the show for the judged cakes. There also a competition for a 5th Anniversary of the NCACS cake (the cake on the top left was the winner). I found myself floored at the intricacy displayed on the competitive cakes. I’m still marveling that people were able to transform cakes into beautiful sculptures. I was constantly reminding myself that they were all actually food.

flower cake   handbag cake
dress cake   pretty cake

What really stole my attention however, were the youth competitive cakes (dolphin and handbag cakes above). The amount of time, work, and creativity that went into these cakes was impressive, regardless of age. Clearly there’s a lot of promising young talent out there that will help the industry grow.

comic cake   beautiful cake

I can’t wait to attend my next cake show and continue to practice the fun techniques I picked up while at NCACS. What’s your favorite cake you spotted at a cake show?

Come back to the Bluprint blog tomorrow to learn how to make stunning isomalt jewels!

Share tips, start a discussion or ask one of our experts or other students a question.

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