Family Fun: How to Make Funny Cake Pops

I often get requests to make “funny” cake pops. While this request is very open-ended, humor isn’t exactly approachable in a one-size-suits-all manner… UNLESS, unless, unless children are involved too!

What better way than to let the kids have at it and make some silly creations? Hilarity is sure to ensue! It’s a foolproof plan and everyone in the family can take part in this activity. With this tutorial, I can guide you into the world of funny cake pops and family cake pop fun!

Funny Cake Pops

How are funny cake pops made?

They are made when the atmosphere is at zero pressure! Normally, making cake pops can be really intimidating. There’s seemingly so much pressure on you to do well and produce ‘perfect’ masterpieces. Well, this tutorial is the total opposite of that. Cake pop perfection is not what we’re after here, we’re after the sheer joy of making them. I’m telling you that it does not matter what they look like, the only thing that matters are the belly laughs you’ll experience while making this batch. Grab your children (or a few friends) and create delicious cake pop memories.

You’ll need:

  • Cake pop dough
  • Lollipop Sticks
  • Candy wafers in any color
  • Sugar eyeballs
  • Other sprinkles and candies of choice
  • Wax paper
  • Styrofoam block

You’ll notice that the materials needed in this tutorial are very vague. I’ve enlisted some help (my two bosses) to assist in gathering materials and they happily obliged. They wanted pretty specific things: purple candy coating, chocolate chips and a bag of eyeballs.

I rounded up some sprinkles and other goodies, like banana chips, we already had at home as well. Have each of your kids pick out an item. This activity should be pretty easy on the wallet.


Eyeballs, in my opinion, are a must-buy because they add character and personality to anything. It makes cake pops so much more funny. The package on the left is from my local cake and candy supply store. If you don’t have a local store, Wilton makes eyeballs that are sold in craft stores, such as Michael’s, Hobby Lobby, A.C. Moore and Jo-Ann. You may also be able to find them at Target or Walmart.

shape cake pops

Step 1:

Start off by rolling shapes like balls, squares and logs. If your children are older, they can do this part as well. Refrigerate. Refer to this tutorial for complete instructions on how to shape and make cake pop dough.

Step 2:

Melt the candy coating in a microwave safe cup or bowl. I like to use 1-cup capacity silicone bowls. Refer to this detailed tutorial if you have any questions about melting candy coating and dipping cake pops.

insert sticks

Step 3:

Insert the sticks into the shapes by dipping about ⅓ inch of a lollipop stick into the candy coating, then insert the stick into the shapes. Repeat for all.

gather sprinkles

Step 4:

I always line the work surface with wax paper for easy clean up. I would suggest to tape it onto the table if you’re working with young kids. I arranged the goodies on a paper plate. It’s much easier than having the candies in all different containers. Keep the extras nearby. They will definitely ask for more of something!


Step 5:

Dip! The only thing they need to know is to make whatever they want! Keep quiet (unless ribbons of candy coating are traveling through the air) and watch them create!

decorating with chocolate chips

Step 6:

Decorate! Kids love this kind of stuff. They love to dunk things…

Build and sprinkle, sprinkle. Once they’re done, they feel so accomplished!

funny cake pops
funny cake pops

And, of course, the finished cake pops turn out hilarious!

funny cake pops

The plus side is, now you’ve got dessert (and bribing goods too)!

funny cake pops

I can’t wait to see all the funny cake pops you make! Please share them with me! 

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