Surprise! Enjoy Up to 70% Off in Our 24-Hour Flash Sale

We all know how it feels to miss out on an exciting event — but we would never let that happen to our blog readers. So heads up: Today is Bluprint’s 24-Hour Flash Sale!

Bluprint 24 Hour Flash Sale Graphic

Shop before midnight and you’ll receive up to 70% off the supplies you need to do more of what you love. From beautiful project kits to fabric, yarn and beyond, everything is on sale!

Great prices aren’t the only reason to shop on Bluprint! You’ll also enjoy speedy delivery, free U.S. return shipping and a customer support team who cares.

Shop now to save »

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One Response to “Surprise! Enjoy Up to 70% Off in Our 24-Hour Flash Sale”

  1. janeloves20355245

    Why did I get an email saying that there was a sale on when the classes aren’t on sale? I chose 3 and then it said they were ineligible for the sale. Wast of time.