Jane Friedman

How to Publish Your Book

Jane Friedman
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Start by taking an in-depth look at the world of writing and getting published. Prof. Jane Friedman clears up some common misconceptions about what it takes to become a published writer and gives an overview of what to expect if you pursue a writing career.
Understanding where your fiction book falls in the general categories of literature is an essential step to getting published. Differentiate among the various categories of fiction writing, including defining commercial and literary fiction, and examine the types of children's books.
The nonfiction world is also broken into categories including memoirs, education, creative or narrative nonfiction, and practical or self-help. Delve into the genres of nonfiction writing, and learn how to determine which publishing house best aligns with your manuscript.
The modern publishing markets are far more complex than they were even a few decades ago. Learn about the different agents and publishers, as well as the tools that can help you find the right ones for you.
In this lesson, examine the pros and cons of using literary agents. Find out how to acquire an agent, what to expect from your agent, and what standard and non-standard practices you may encounter if you choose to go that route.
Learn what elements comprise a good query letter, what components the publisher or agent requires, and how to stand out from a sea of queries so your book gets further consideration. Find out which red flags almost always result in immediate rejection.
Once you've nailed a query letter, you'll need to provide a synopsis, which is not an easy task. Get valuable tips on what a synopsis should and should not contain. Then learn what your synopsis needs to focus on and accomplish to be successful.
A platform generally refers to an author's visibility and reach to a target audience. Examine the six components that make up most platforms, and review the requirements for different genres of writing.
Prof. Friedman dissects the elements in a book proposal, which is essentially a business plan that persuades a publisher to invest in your book. You'll learn the five essential components you need to research to write a captivating proposal.
Once you've completed the research required, see how to effectively incorporate your findings in a compelling manner, craft an author bio that showcases your credentials, and integrate a marketing plan throughout your proposal.
Learn the guidelines for mailing and emailing queries, what your rights are and how to protect your work, and the definitions of common terminology that publishers and agents may use when requesting submissions.
Delve into the options and resources available for meeting other writers, agents, and publishing representatives. Find out how to develop a gripping "elevator pitch" for your work and network online to help develop and perfect your proposal.
Not all aspiring writers will have the opportunity to pitch their books, but every writer should have a pitch prepared. Learn the three types of pitches you should have ready, examine strong and weak pitch examples, and get tips on preparing for pitches.
Discuss the two rough categories of red flags: narrative or structural problems and surface-level errors that can lead to a make-or-break decision before the second page. Plus get tips on creating a strong opening, including the pivotal first sentence.
Explore the different stages of writing and reviewing as you examine the different types of editing you can consider. Learn what an editor can and can't do to make your work publishable, and three reasons why you may consider hiring a professional to review your work.
In this lesson, Prof. Friedman discusses some of the common reasons for rejection, how to let go of rejection or react to it in a constructive manner, and what your options are if you've been rejected.
Rejections are not the only obstacles to becoming a published author. Look at common dilemmas writers face, and learn how to create time for writing no matter what your daily schedule looks like.
Examine the three areas of the contract to which you should pay close attention: the grant-of-rights clause, the reversion-of-rights clause and the subsidiary rights clauses. Afterwards, explore matters of compensation and material ownership.
Learn the several phases you'll go through with the publisher, including editorial development, design and production, sales and marketing planning, the book launch, and post-launch publicity.
Marketing your book is a huge part of becoming a bestseller, and much of the onus of marketing will fall on you. Find out what you're expected to provide in order to help publicize your book, including hosting author events, creating a presence on social media and more.
Author websites, blogs, social media, newsletters and emails will be your responsibility, and these marketing tools are often required by your publisher. Get tips on creating successful marketing tactics to help publicize your work and keep your publisher happy.
Discuss the value of publishers, then review specific scenarios in which you may not need those benefits. When is self-publishing a viable option for your book? Get advice on steps you should take if you choose to self-publish, and learn about the tools you'll need to succeed.
Understand the vital role metadata plays in positioning your self-published book for success. Examine pricing models to attract a large audience that's hesitant about purchasing from an unknown entity. And get tips to garner reviews that will help your book get noticed.
Consider the many ways besides a book to write, publish, and share ideas in the digital age. Explore the plethora of options you have as a writer in modern times, and reflect on what the future may bring.
24 Lessons
11  hrs 36  mins


Today’s authors face unprecedented competition in the writing market. In this comprehensive class, Professor Jane Friedman acts as your personal guide though the entire process from finalizing your manuscript to writing the perfect pitch, reviewing contracts and marketing your book. You’ll learn sought-after secrets of the publishing process that will help you navigate this challenging progression, bypass pitfalls and improve your chances of being considered for publication.

Jane Friedman

Jane Friedman has worked in the book, magazine and digital publishing industry for more than 20 years. From 2001 to 2010, she worked at Writer’s Digest, ultimately becoming publisher and editorial director of the $10 million multimedia brand. Most recently, she led digital media initiatives at The Virginia Quarterly Review, an award-winning literary journal. She lectures on publishing at the University of Virginia and is a former full-time professor of e-media at the University of Cincinnati. She holds a BFA in Creative Writing from the University of Evansville and an MA in English from Xavier University.

Jane Friedman

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