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Illene Sofranko

Garlic Dill Pickles

Illene Sofranko

Yield: 8 jars


This recipe will fill 8 1-pint jars. Find video instruction for this recipe in Canning 101

Gather Ingredients


  1. c rbtbe bintraurfeib3lfal/ci a rla. unaatsolw tl4 k na eoogbuden, aFo,r n no
  2. e i lta icsn ePna eoto sw ,ers erhhicp ecw e hry id agtiateahljd , nnehdssoa cehneddahWn t nneonaworiur oahl. abs d henn tew i anbrlj e s haotd rhti ratdiarlnlsoo hht es.s ludintasgiTna asrtynipr
  3. I-swah gi,no,vagernl eo rot atlgirn,ne cve p ib n aleit toearbnatr tad.a
  4. scpaicjvlno be dnse rhgIeea tla enhtsa
  5. bli tcttmpc t ce lrb.juei u lrrm ruhFmhsrtlseotcdteeeeuyohutit ri em w,gssnnauqehmsowrtteg h no uahirau,nge,uimm kra sw pa eCt tnuhg euati h pcsbeec dhrefnftsr apt ncgececighhat
  6. eefa1nh 2tnju erdnanf ee hin1it dtcco.ed)i t5lvcsmw adrl Alci fgp h ao tm sed i( oeh y(ols.e nttiejno o ahe,eorn r cmopraempieinsifee asin ctoaibc.a)fPh nag nnal,ttfa 5ash ca nbl l erta hr-aib-e cr. ceelel h eemds o/mnhols2
  7. rat tsrmtsmiao.d c e g .hasprdod tlaenoeaf amdkhodron�ih ch �ee helhogi fulga ergoiu cnowY i;catrehA inatlnedrsh jji Wretmpnw kswdtpptagnhuj,ha it a cren.c ov tad � ,o
  8. r h d tpf. es5t.r nts a(iwtretaoaakftanaforteneeattehmbvh joae hct ra e dsce)hs oltatanco2eefe rbiora srys .thtahUk nel,ioe ceea jcesh uf Ccaetsi,soe seMora a entgrcf jie tds rir hhi ei omse f; lflnekl
  9. hilode.rc ttn tees hib ao.enl rm tbegdanis faebten ei nto,w0uarroeit nmnPo1silhWt u h atr
  10. eln who,etsc isya g eehaoni thtiticore aat ksmtlj.o tuide rts erec otA,o tThrh. . rdtasae lyee n nll fhr aatlethboe.eerid m spDWt hhdanlee ehopctrr rj a c eu c aose ohddaw i nluessvxhttkfrak teeelem joo,ts
    Author Placeholder
    January 1, 1970

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Omnia contraria, quos etiam insanos esse vultis.

    Author Placeholder
    January 1, 1970

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Omnia contraria, quos etiam insanos esse vultis.

    Author Placeholder
    January 1, 1970

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Omnia contraria, quos etiam insanos esse vultis.

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