Why We Can't Wait to Knit Along With Bristol Ivy

You know what takes a knit-along from good to great? A fearless leader, bringing the whole gang of knitters along for the ride. For our Tealeaf Sweater Knit-Along, that’s Bristol Ivy, the designer of the sweater.

Bristol Ivy

Bristol’s knitting journey started when she was little — and a fidgeter. Needles and yarn kept her hands busy. These days, knitting keeps her mind as busy as her hands: “I have the space to step back and look at the bigger picture and think about things,” she says. “I use that repetition and action to work through other things going on in my life.”

Now, after many twists and turns in her knitting journey, Bristol is a designer based in Portland, Maine, and we just know that she’ll make this knit-along extra special.

We can’t wait to knit with Bristol! Here are just a few reasons why…

1. Her designs are simply gorgeous.

Bristol Ivy Designing Pattern

Bristol, who’s based in Portland, Maine, designs garments and accessories that we can’t get enough of. Just look at her designs on Ravelry — we dare you not to be inspired! She carefully considered every element of the Tealeaf Sweater, with purpose behind each stitch.

2. She’ll be your favorite teacher.

Both in her own knitting and when she’s teaching, Bristol lives for the “lightbulb moment” — when a technique finally clicks. “That’s such a glorious feeling. It’s like, ‘I get it, I understand what this fabric is doing.'”

And — without spoiling too much of the knit-along — we promise that her weekly video tips will not disappoint. Even if this is your fiftieth sweater, we bet you’ll learn something from Bristol along the way.

3. She loves knitting for all the same reasons we do.

“I love knitting because it’s an amalgamation of so many different things and so many inspirations,” Bristol says. The combination of color and art with geometry and logic makes this art both interesting and beautiful. “It’s this beautiful smorgasbord of all of the things we love.”

Oh, and the yarn. The feeling of the yarn. The smell of the yarn. Bristol loves the yarn. (We couldn’t agree more.)

Sweater Together at craftsy

Let’s #SweaterTogether

Learn from Bristol as you join knitters in making her Tealeaf Sweater. We hope you can join us!Check It Out

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