Six Questions with Carol Ann Waugh

Here it is – the second entry in our new weekly feature, Six Questions!

This week, we sat down with Carol Ann Waugh, instructor of the online Craftsy classes Stitch & Slash and Stupendous Stitching.

In this chat, we learn all about why Carol loves making mistakes, how acrylic nails once saved her life (or at least her fingers), and what her number one desert island supply would be (hint: it has nothing to do with crafting).

Thanks for playing along, Carol! And to all you readers out there, make sure to check out Carol’s awesome Craftsy classes that are linked above. And, remember, we post a new Six Question entry every week, so keep checking back.

What was your first sewing/quilting project?

No one in my family sewed so the first time I was exposed to sewing was in Jr. High School in Home Economics. We had to choose between a straight skirt (horrors! Darts!) or a circle skirt (horrors! A big hem!). I choose the circle skirt (sounded less scary). I got hooked right then! I made my Mom buy me a sewing machine and I just started making clothes. I loved the process. The best part — I got 100 on my report card! The only time in my life that I aced a class! (Looking back on it, my grade probably reflected quantity, not quality!)

What are your three desert island sewing/quilting supplies?

Assuming there is no electricity on a desert island, I would HAVE TO HAVE some needles, many spools of different thread and some fabric to stitch on! Of course, having a buff guy with me might be my first choice for survival gear.

What item has been in your stash the longest?

What a great question! I have no idea. I tend to use up my “stash” or donate stuff I no longer use so I can buy new stuff. Thinking……. OK, I’ve got it. I still have some metal washers I used in one of my first “mixed media” pieces. Those are at least five years old. Time to donate!

Cat person, dog person, or do pets just interfere with your sewing/quilting time?

Ha! My only “pet” is a large goldfish who lives in my backyard pond. Does that count? We call him “Nemo.” (I know, a cliche!) He feeds himself so he’s very low maintenance. I haven’t invited him to my studio yet — I’m waiting until he matures so won’t be splashing around too much.

What was your biggest sewing/quilting disaster?

I’ve had so many; it’s hard to just pick one. My philosophy is to make LOTS of mistakes so you can learn from everyone. But then, there are really no “mistakes” only opportunities to be more creative in problem-solving. Some of my biggest “mistakes” have turned out to be my biggest successes.

I DID almost sew through my finger once. Luckily, I have acrylic (fake) nails and that saved me from bleeding all over the place. Does that count?

In 10 words or less, what inspires you?

Living life.

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2 Responses to “Six Questions with Carol Ann Waugh”

  1. Ray Zeillmann

    How do I get the materials list for the Slash and Stitch class by Carol Ann Waugh?


    Took both classes and loved them both.