Sew Smooth: Sewing Classes to Try

Learning how to successfully operate your sewing machine is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to mastering sewing skills and techniques. No matter how long you’ve been sewing, there’s always an opportunity to learn something new!

Bluprint offers classes that will help you perfect many sewing skills and techniques. We’re here to help you find the classes that best suit your needs!

Zippers Hanging in Rows at Shop

Basic skills

To get started, consider enrolling in Sewing Machine Feet from A to Z. This class will teach you the basics of operating your machine, as well as what all those extra sewing machine feet are good for. Sewing Studio: Fashion Fitting, Home Decor & More will give you a foundation in the basic sewing skills of pinning, sewing, pressing and finishing.

Working with “difficult” fabric

Some fabrics are simply more difficult to work with, but that shouldn’t stop you from venturing away from the oh-so-easy cotton. Sewing with Knits: 5 Wardrobe Essentials will give you the basic sewing skills needed to approach sewing knits without fear. You can follow that class with Sewing Fashion Knits: Beyond the Basics, which will help you master the sewing techniques you need to sew fashion knits on your sewing machine and create your own knit wardrobe. Silk is another tricky fabric, but Sewing with Silks: The Liberty Shirt will show you how to prepare, sew and finish a silk shirt with ease.

Construction basics

Having a solid understanding of garment construction is a very useful sewing skill. Commercial sewing patterns don’t always come with the clearest of instructions, and knowing the basics can save you a lot of frustration. Understanding construction is also critical if you want to draft and sew your own designs.

Pant Construction Technique will show you how to construct a pair of pants from start to finish, as well as the small details that can make a big difference. The Classic Tailored Shirt will give you the basics of shirt construction, and you can get all the details of jacket and coat construction in The Fashionably Quilted Jacket or The Carefree Fly-Front Coat. And make sure you master your zipper installation with Mastering Zipper Techniques.


Once you have basic sewing techniques under your belt, you’ll want to master fitting. This can make a huge difference in your overall satisfaction with your sewing projects. Sew the Perfect Fit gives you the advanced techniques in constructing a muslin and fitting it your body, as well as how to make the proper adjustments. An alternative to fitting from a muslin is learning how to adjust flat pattern pieces, which you can learn how to do in Fast-Track Fitting.

Sometimes it’s a specific area that can trip you up with regards to fit. Adjust the Bust is the perfect class for you if this is your difficult area. And Pant Fitting Techniques is the answer to all of your pant-fitting issues.

Finishing techniques

Seam finishes are an important sewing technique to master. Nothing screams “homemade” more than a sloppily finished seam. Decorative Seams: Techniques and Finishes will show you how decorative seams can transform simple garments. And Sewing on the Edge: Finishing Techniques gives tips for beautiful bound edges and hem finishes.

Which classes have helped you learn sewing skills and techniques? Please share in the comments!

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2 Responses to “Sew Smooth: Sewing Classes to Try”

  1. Terri

    Wen will we get new classes from the pro teachers, like Susan Khalje, Kenneth D. King, Suzy Ferrer ... I haven’t seen good new sewing classes for a very long time ... not like in the good old days !!!

  2. Sylvia Alvarez

    I thought I had signed up for classes with Platinum level for less than 3.00 a month