How to Keep a Quilt Kit Organized (Tips From Our Fall Quilt-Along )

The bigger your quilt project, the more difficult it is to keep all your pieces in place. That was a big worry for our Canyon Creek Quilt-Along kit, a twin size quilt with multiple blocks and small pieces. The entire first Quilt-Along video focuses on staying organized as you sew, and we’re sharing some of those tips with you today!

“If you’re like me,” says Callie Works-Leary, who leads the Quilt-Along videos, “and quilt in short bursts in your spare time, it pays to stay organized so you can spend more time sewing.”

Step 1: Sort & label your fabric

Label Fabric With Painters Tape

Before you start cutting, sort your fabrics in the order they’ll be cut in your pattern instructions. Then, label them so you know which is which. If you can’t easily identify pieces by color (which sometimes is the case when you’re working with a quilt kit), Callie recommends comparing yardage measurements as a second point of reference.

Step 2: Cut out the entire quilt at once

Cutting Quilt Fabric

Once your fabric is sorted and labeled, cut all the pieces for your entire quilt top at once. That way, even if you only have 20 minutes, all of your pieces are ready and you can get right to sewing.

Putting Quilt Fabric in a Ziplock Bag

As you cut your pieces, put them in zip-top bags labeled with the name of the block or section of the quilt that they go with. That way, you can pick them up and start sewing at any time.

Step 3: Keep ‘em together

Quilt Blocks in Storage Bins

Store finished blocks in one place so you don’t have to waste time looking for them when you go to sew pieces together. Callie likes to use scrapbooking bins. “I put the blocks on the bottom and anything else I’m using for the quilt in there,” she says.

Do you have any other tips for staying organized? Share them in the comments section below!

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