Letters to the Editor: Lumpy Afghan Needs Your Help!

In going through your letters to the editor from our newsletter this past weekend, we came across this missive from Michele, who seeks help with her afghan. We thought it might be fun (and helpful for her) to have you, the Bluprint community, offer guidance. So, we so we decided to post it here.  That way you can pass along your advice in the comments section.

Unfortunately, we don’t have an image to share with you, but maybe some of you have encountered this issue and can provide some guidance:

My mom taught me all the crafting I have learned. Unfortunately, she is now in the blue sky and the reception just doesn’t work. I am making my granddaughter a granny square blanket. I tried to piece the squares together with single crochet. But it seems to leave a hump on one side of the blanket. I have done one of these many years ago and mom helped me with that one. I don’t know what I am doing wrong. Or am I not doing anything writing, and is there supposed to be a hump where I put the two squares together?

Thank you, Michele


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