Help This Craftsy Member Find a Lost Pattern!

Ever since we opened up our letters to the editor (, but please email if you need any assistance with the site, classes, patterns, etc.), the correspondence has been flooding in. It’s always so interesting to see what’s on your mind. Occasionally, we’ll get a letter that’s reads like a mini mystery. As a mere wordsmith, I’m not the best to answer these. But YOU are! Collectively, our Bluprint members can solve pretty much any crafting conundrum. So with that, I present you with a note from Carole who needs your help locating a long lost pattern:

Dear Editor,

I’m looking for an afghan pattern that my sister had years ago, but that she lost. It consists of small blocks of all different colors this creates a tumbling block effect.  She is now passed. So, I was wondering if anybody knows were I can find the pattern.  The yarn is carried over in the back on small spools, an another color is added. Otherwise, that is all that I remember.  Thank you so much!


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One Response to “Help This Craftsy Member Find a Lost Pattern!”

  1. Connie Rabe

    Crafts, I can't find my classes I had forever classes with my membership. Thanks Connie