This Photography Trick May be the Answer to Creative Slumps

Are you a daily photographer? While taking a photograph a day might sound intimidating, read on to find out why a daily photographic push might be just the thing you need!

daily photography, photography, monthly photography, mosaic, collage
Photos via Boost Your Photography

Daily photography can be as simple as taking at least one photograph a day. Some people stick to just that, while others want a bigger theme or a more directed goal. But why bother with a daily photography project in the first place?

The whys of daily photography

Daily photography creates a photography habit. Picking up your camera or camera phone every day and intentionally taking, making and framing a new image drives your photographic journey forward. Practice makes progress, not perfection, as the inspirational posters say, and it is very hard to make any progress if you are unwilling to put in the practice time.

Daily photography is a way to document your life. Days pass by so quickly and even just one photograph a day can give you something to remember and hold on to. Kids growing, seasons changing, renovations limping along, all of these things can be captured and held onto through photography.

pencils, school supplies, mundane photography

Daily photography is also a creative outlet. While Bluprint readers have many outlets for their creativity, photography is a great way to explore your world and to express yourself.

Daily photography will soon have you observing your world differently, seeing things differently. Having my camera in hand often gives me a goal, gets me out of my inaction, and sets me off on a new exploration. It is so much easier to say yes to creativity when you’ve made it a daily commitment.

Daily photography can force you to grapple with your limitations. Maybe you just take pictures on vacation. Maybe you just take snapshots of your kids or of your projects. Or maybe you just need the simple excuse of daily photography to force yourself to consider other styles and subjects in your photography.

selfportrait, selfie, fromwhereistand,

Even sick days can be worthy of a daily photograph.

Anyone who has tried a daily photography project has reached that point where you feel like you have run out of ideas. That there is truly nothing to photograph. Pushing yourself forward requires taking some new steps, trying some new styles, and being willing to do something new or different from your normal. That is the foundation of growth.

The hows of daily photography

Taking the first steps toward daily photography can be intimidating. Suddenly the whole world of photography is open to you and that can be overwhelming. One way to keep yourself grounded is to try a daily photography challenge or word list.

For the month of May, Bluprint is launching a 31-Day Photography Challenge. This daily word list is intended to inspire you, as well as to give you something to hang onto on those days when you have “nothing to photograph.” These open-ended prompts are designed to gently push you into some creative challenges and into thinking about your world and your photography opportunities differently.

Learn more about the 31-Day Photography Challenge here.

closeup photography, macro photography, kitchen, grater

Perhaps you’ll be inspired to get out more and seek out new photography subjects or times of day. Perhaps you’ll start thinking about your normal life and routines in a new light. Perhaps you’ll lose yourself for a time exploring the photographic possibilities of your kitchen utensil drawer. Or perhaps you’ll simply wipe the dust off your lens and realize that you have more to say with your camera than you realized.

I hope you’ll join us on this journey.

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One Response to “This Photography Trick May be the Answer to Creative Slumps”

  1. Annette Brittain

    When I click the blue go here links, it just goes back to home page