Sew for Smiles with Craftsy Cares & ConKerr Cancer

Sewists now is your time to shine! Support Bluprint Cares in partnering with ConKerr Cancer, a non-profit dedicated to improving the lives of chronically-ill children as they undergo treatment. Sew beautiful pillowcases to bring joy to children in hospitals across the world.

ConKerr Cancer aims to bring happiness to kids by sewing them bright and cheery pillowcases to brighten their hospital rooms. It all started back in 2002 when Cindy Kerr’s son, Ryan, was diagnosed at the age of 12 with Osteosarcoma, a bone tumor in his leg. Cindy sat by Ryan’s side as he underwent countless rounds of treatments and surgeries at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Stuck in a helpless situation, Cindy helped the only way she knew how: she sewed.

[one_half_last]ConKerr Cancer[/one_half_last]


She began sewing bright and colorful pillowcases for Ryan during each of his stays at the hospital. It was her way of bringing a little cheer into his hospital room, and it didn’t go unnoticed. Soon all the children in the oncology unit wanted a pillowcase, so Cindy began delivering pillowcase smiles throughout the hospital. And so the “A Case for Smiles” initiative grew to become ConKerr Cancer, a non-profit of over 125 chapters delivering 685,000 pillowcases to children in hospitals all throughout the world, including the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, and South Africa.

It’s more than just a pillowcase — It’s creating a glimmer of cheer in an environment that often seems joyless to many of these families who bring their children in for treatment. There are so many kids that continue to bring such strength and courage into these hospitals.

Here are a few ways you can help us continue to give them something to smile about:

  • Start up the old sewing machine and start sewing pillowcase smiles for the sick children in your community. Here are instructions for your sewing.
  • Even if you’re not sewing-savvy, ConKerr Cancer chapter directors in your area could still use your help sorting, washing, folding, bagging, and delivering pillowcases. Find more information about regional chapters here and volunteer opportunities here.
  • Finally, you can donate to help us spread awareness for our “A Case for Smiles” initiative.

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