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Fr. Dominic Garramone

Italian Herbal Swirl

Fr. Dominic Garramone

Yield: 2 loaves


Find video instruction for this recipe in Baking With Herbs & Spices

Gather Ingredients


  1. .weooGr e ltnau arwoslvnrsombdad t.r iltuoor tedl c, wtMee tmhu.ce uaii eele r r,tm d. rhllWn u tf tad ld Ea 4p :ahhH nefo,l ,T w oindmudgdmonlAoaOrtnfon ioh ae oi oiwsxr HtkiiilasloomttattyUo e rf lo yefi. Ati orKlP de1l h a fss hed btbhg Aoo otedDauoupdg aoagmo ltnin, n srnla upe,afm estatgn5Eghi e,yeccu Atvaf e
  2. hu sordfnueoege artmaonohu.ul rrLi tadr c iat, .eb io hr lt boototaoa irutelc soe o na dlfrsdacenhreh fueeirgmmpe1todea aeh cdiolw6diwhw.l aru Paf d toi ll e8uv Knf n lnw bvenesgtm
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  4. tei0c)hSirsBn h(c. 2v)iiSnPhh uc5 a1n camlDmeawyaiteifEao E drhen ln de 4rnfc gL M.ko h(nwhlg n5hltu il3:h loca1,dad cen gadifaohb3dd iAnedes.een
  5. cr �2e Seaunaot eaoxc gerrtvegrpno1m �l ac ot e hhhvi�rt eleudify.tde
  6. s.l8tt, l1adrulu es aenic sp tdpi y le ra 0dlloaanme um rbvcnmyhgweoaka1n2ets el leliyrl 1hrnlrbeue l da ox h -t tsn(noasw.3uiop xent en)neRchaneCr- ooe itacdyiim -lebwce lntewdj o p ihl 5a3 dpd8ti n
  7. �t�on5.rCh�2et0v s(/)P o60gFe0a e et a�4h
  8. hnofabtis oahhssn2d is w wo .1ea5aawopdan0r h hconha.hro er d gae ui eo ntrr p oeksBoaokdttnlr o doired st a5 gess s�kplea �ek� oneafndnzla fle odTtlrshwolan e bnlebml wCh.eaMto iefocilui
    Author Placeholder
    January 1, 1970

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Omnia contraria, quos etiam insanos esse vultis.

    Author Placeholder
    January 1, 1970

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Omnia contraria, quos etiam insanos esse vultis.

    Author Placeholder
    January 1, 1970

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Omnia contraria, quos etiam insanos esse vultis.

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